11) Kids party

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{ Mangle's Dream }

"mangle? Mangle? Wake up lass" "come on mange, wake up" i heard two voices. I open my eyes a little more to see spring trap and foxy hovering over me. "what happen?" I asked setting up feeling a sharp pain in my back. Foxy must have notice because he sat right next to me and rub my back.

Spring trap cleared his thought. "I'll get an ice pack" he says as he walk to the kitchen leaving me and foxy alone. "so what have ye been up to? Last thing I heard was you where happily merrier with two kids" foxy said like it was normal. "no, I'm almost got killed by my husband and saving your two kids" I said facing him. "but I'm really happy to see you" I added, hugging him.

"ya me too" he said hugging back. We hugged for a long time but it ended when we herd spring trap clearing his thought again. He gave me the ice pack and foxy put it to the spot where my pain is. "what happen?" I asked looking at both of them. "you slip on a toy fox and fell down here" foxy says. "are you okay?" spring trap asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"ya I'm fine, I just need a nap" I said as I got up, getting the ice pack back. I walk to my bedroom door. "goodnight" I heard spring trap "ya goodnight" I mumble. I close the door and lean on it, taking a deep breath. "hey spring I was wondering if you take your merge with mangle-" I heard foxy's voice being cut off. "what is this about, pirate?" "mangle told me you almost killed her. I'm starting to think you don't love her" I felt my hart shader, but why!?

"are you saying that just for her to end it off with me and come running off with you?" spring trap said annoyed. "what, no. I mean. I don't want this happening to her again. I was the most horrible husband to her and I-" after foxy said that I couldn't hear anything.

I woke up with tiers in my eyes. I looked at the clock. 3:20 A.M. Maybe if I get a snack and go back to bed I can easily forget what happen. But after that snack and a hour later lying in bed I couldn't fall back to sleep. "is it to late to call foxy?" I mumble to myself. 'I shouldn't call it's like 4:30 or something' I thought. 'well if I'm up this early then why not get ready for work' I walk to my dresser to look for my work uniform. After I toke a shower, got dress, eat something then walk out the door to go to work.

~at Mangle's work~

"and the very very boring day had become... *dramatic music* more boring" bonnet groan lying her head on the party table. "what did you thought it was going to be like? It's 11 and summers over" I asked taping her shoulder to make her lift her head. "nothing! I don't think when it comes to this" she said standing up. "but never mine that. I heard you and foxy went on a date one night and didn't return to your apartment in till last night. What happen?" she asked. How dose she knows about this type of stuff!?

"nothing, it was just a normal date with blankets at the park and all we did was star gazing" I told her, standing up as well. "so it was night, outside, and blankets between you and him" she put all the clues together like in a cop show. "where are you going with this?" "did you have s*x with him?" my eyes widen. "Bonnet Mia Dove! did you-" I use her full name. She cut me off by putting her hand on my shoulder.

"mangle deer, did you?" "no, we didn't. Bon how did you know we hade a late night date anyways?" I asked pushing her hand off. "this girl with dark blue hair came over here and asked why you didn't came back to the apparent. So I though you and foxy hade a date" she answer me.

We talked and talked about radome things. Then Fred came in with little kids and there parents. "hi you two!" he greeted with full joy. "I brought these little ones to you guys hoping your more fun then me" he pick up one of 4 year old. "Fred you know how I am with kids, why you think I'll do this?" bonnet wine to Fred. "because you sine up to be in charge of this kid birthday party" Fred calmly told her. "but Fred.... Mangle did you sine me up!?" she turn to me.

I nob my head. "you said you'll help me with baby sitting when your good with kids. So I thought this will help you with kids" I said taking the 4 year old from Fred befour he wave goodbye. "okay mangle I'll try but I don't think kids will like me" Bon agreed but in a pout mood. "just give them candy and if they have a boo boo give them an ice pack and they'll love ya" I assure her.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now