22) Springtrap's plan

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Mangle twist and turn in the sheets. Her eye lids shot open. Her vision was blurry and fuzzy at first, but went back to normal shortly after. She looked around, tugging the covers off of her. She tiptoe to the close door; lightly placing her ear on it. Nothing, it was quiet like little snowflakes falling to the ground. She twist the doorknob, slowly opening it wider and wider. Mangle peek out the open door. She noticed Spring Trapride was walking down the hall to the living room.

"You don't need to be quiet. It's just you and I in this huge house" He stop dead in his track, terning around to face her from five feet away. Mangles hart skip a beat, messing up her hart pattern.

"W-wheres Foxy? Doesn't he lives here too?"

"Correct. He's at work trying to get money for the wedding" he moved his hand up to his heir letting it fall into place. "What a silly young man you're engaged to, soon to be Mrs. Kitsune. I told him to not worry about the money. And that I have it under control. But yet he insisted to get his own money" he turned around starting to walk away where he was going in the first place.

"Wait what money?" Mangle walked up behind him grabbing his shoulder. All of a sudden she was in a dark room. "What the...?" She mumbled to herself looking left to right. "H-hello? Is anyone here?" She shouted, slowly moving forward. A dim light fash in her eyes. With a shrug she looked closely what's underneath the dim light. There she saw a table filled with scattered papers; two shadows then appear out from nowhere. One of them sat down behind the desk, as the other slouch over talking to the first figure. She looked left to right nothing else shown up. She slowly took one step closer to the dim light. The ferther Mangle walked the more she could see. There underneath the light and around the messy desk was Springtrap hunched over the desk and a dark figure sitting quietly in an office chair.

"You're crazy if you think going through with this and not end up behind bars" the dark figure angry but calmly told Springtrap. The dark figure settled in his seat.

"And you're an old man, setting down not even bothering to help out a dear old friend" Springtrap pushed himself away from the desk. Shoving he's left hand in one of his coat pocket pulling out a cigar.

"The day I decide to help you is the day I have blood all over my newly clean Carpet" the shadow figure sighed as he lean back in his chair.

"I know how you think, Ette. Gentulman like you don't trust lowlife guys like me, but believe me when I say this; If you help me kill Foxy Kitsune and get me the girl, then I will help you with anything you need, no questions asks" he finished sucking in the cigarette. I couldn't believe any of this. I don't understand any of this. Was this a couple minutes ago? Days, weeks, moths? Or is this in the future and I need to stop it?

"It's a deal Mr. Lowlife. But dose the no questions asks is on both sides of the deal or is that only on my side?" The figure asked still clam in his office chair.

"Ask away Marionette"

"Why exactly does it has to be Foxy Kitsune? Why not any other guy that told you you had enough tonight?" Marionette rested his arms on the arm rest.

"You see Ette I have grown a feeling for this girl" he waited for a moment looking at Marionette's face. Mangle walked up a lot closer. She wonder if they could see her. When she turned her head to her right, where Marionette sat still. His face had a 'is that all?' Look on it.

"But unfortunately she is engaged to Foxy. That is why I want him dead" Springtrap dropped his cigar on the floor and squashed it with his foot.

"And killing a man is the only sane thing to do" Marionette joked.

"Joke all you want Ette but please do remember, it's you're hands with human blood we're talking about" Springtrap smirked crossing his hands together.

"Yes yes I'm aware. Now let's shake on it and don't talk to each other for the rest of today. Agreed?" Marionette sat up from his chair and pull out a hand to shake Springtraps. "Good day Mr. lowlife hopefully see you a long time from now"


Mangle pulled her hand away from Springtrap's shoulders. She some how got back to reality or did she even left reality?

"Yes Mangle?~" Springtrap turn around with a slimy smirk. Chills ran up and down her spine.

"...I umm.." she already forgotten what happened before she was in that weird dark room. "Umm I was wondering...if Foxy had any.. plans this afternoon?"

"I think he's working all day for this week. I'm not sure" he said while turning around continuing the rest of his day. Mangle didn't thought much about it. She just ran outside to go find Foxy at his work.

Foxy tightened the last of the nut from the bar chair. He stood up straight, rubbing his back. Freddy came in looking at Foxy with an worried look.

"Are you done for the day?" Freddy asked with a almost shaky voice.

"No sir, I told ye I need to be working for the full day this week. What be the problem, boss?" Foxy packed up his old yellow tool box.

"Foxy we don't have enough money to pay you. I already send home Chica and Bonnie. Now I can send you on your way-"

"Foxy! Foxy! I need to tell you something!" They turned their heads to the entrance. Where Mangle came running in wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt.

"M-mangle? What are you doing here?" Foxy asked face bright red.

"Foxy I found out something you really need to know...oh hi freddy" Mangle wave her hand.

"Hello Mrs. Mangle. If I can say you're legs looks better than ever" Freddy step up next to Foxy.

"Really? I thought they were a lot lighter than my skin" Mangle looked at her legs.

"No girl, you look fine"

"Thank you!.. Oh I fergot to ask you but did you ever got together with Fred? Or you guys didn't talked to each other after that day?" Mangle asked folding her arms lessoning to what Freddy would say.

"We started going out but it's been a little harsh trying to run different business. But if you guys are free you should call us sometime" he finished. Mangle nob her head with a smile.

"Of course maybe we can go at a restaurant or visit a park or-" Mangle began but couldn't finish.

"Mangle what where you saying before?" Foxy asked still the color red say on his face. "And maybe we should go somewhere more private" he took her hand and lead her in the kitchen.

"Foxy, this morning or a couple of minutes ago. I had a little chat with Springtrap" Mangle started. Foxy rase an eyebrow.

"About what? Was it about our wedding? Or something else?" Foxy asked crossing his arms.

"The wedding? That doesn't matter right now. Foxy I need to tell you something" Mangle told him eaveying. The crime Marionette will do at some point, to Springtrap's rudely smashing a cigar on the man's floor.

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