10) The bar

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{ Foxy }

"is there something ye been wanting to eat?" I asked. Left hand on the staring wheel, and the another on the armrest. "I don't know? I didn't thought this far" "did ye really think I'd say 'No'?" I asked glancing at her then back to the road

"time past anything can happen in 9 years. Like I'd became more clumsy and you became hot" she said looking out the window with some light red on her face. "yes, and I'd became hot headed and ye became sexy" she look at me, her mouth wide open. Then it turn into a smile. "so hot headed, do you like me just because I'm sexy?" she asked grabbing my right hand and lying hers on the armrest too

"no, it's also because ye don't lie, ye will be a wonderful mother, and when ye say 'I love you' Ye never fake a smile. Now what's good to eat?" I asked glancing at her again. Her face was now a cute pink blushed. "I-I... Ihop sound pretty good! They have those amazing strawberry pancakes" "okay ihop it i-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. I ground then let go of mangle's hand then answer my phone

"Where The H*ll Are You" I heard Freddy's voice yelling at me. "a day off work" I said not giving a. "Why!?..never mine get your a** over here now!!!" he yelled at me again. I sighed then hug up. "okay change of plans I need to go to Freddy Fazbear. so I'm gonna drop you off at the apartment"

I hold her hand, like she did before. "can I come with you?" she asked. "ye'll be bored, I be fixing stuff all day, I don't even have time to talk to ye" "but could I?" she asked. I looked at her. "sure but remember that ye wanted to come in the first place" I agreed. A smile grown on her face. She then kiss my cheek

{ Mangle ~ at Freddy Fazbear pizza~ }

When we got there foxy open the car door for me. "thank you captain" I said getting out of the car and kissing his cheek. "by the way can I ask you something?" I asked holding his left hand with my right. "if I can ask you something" He stop at the front door to hear what I was going to asked

"why do you talk like a pirate? When I was here in 7th grade you didn't had that" I looked in his amber eyes. "well lass I just pick it up when I work here" he said. "now that ye asked me something, my turn. Why do ye tell people to call ye mangle?" he asked. I looked at the floor

I'm not to sure why? Is it because I like the name or was it a high school nickname? "well kids in high school call me that all the time, it stuck with me and now I like it" I told him looking back up in his eyes. "okay, can I asked ye one more question" he asked. I role my eyes then smile. "sure" "how many boyfriends did you had before me?" he asked. I looked at him confuse. "why?" "because I'm whching out for crazy Ex's"

I chuckle then answer. "three and they are in new York. So I think your good. But what about me? Is there any Ex girlfriends that might want hot headed back?" I asked sewing his hands with my. "have you meant lyle? You might like her" he joked, as he pull me in for a soft kiss on the lips.

We both pull away when Freddy burst out the doors. "There You Are Foxy!! Now Get Your A-" Freddy cut himself off when he saw me. "pardon me but right now I'm a little short handed" he glaze at foxy angrily. "why? What happen to Bonnie? Or Chica?" he asked. Freddy shook his head with his fingers pinching his nose. "Bonnie run off somewhere, and Chica can't be here for personnel reasons" Freddy told him Crossing his arms

"so that's why I need you to be at the bar while I mack sure there's no drunk fight" Freddy said to foxy then stared to walk in. "your not ending them your starting them and your going to gamble" foxy scruff while he hold the door for me. "yes but I'm not gonna lose this time. I have a plan"

foxy role his eyes. "dose this plan have X-ray glasses in it?" you could see the sarcasm in Foxy's voice. "never mine I'll do bar duty and ye'll do nothing" foxy said making his way behind the bar table. "not Nothing, I'm making more cash to renew this hole dump" Freddy lend on the bar table rubbing his index finger and his thumb together.

When Freddy left to work on that plan. This tall blond guy walked in. He looked like spring trap but I could be wrong. I was to buys trying to ignore him that I can't remember him. I looked at foxy. He was steering at him too, but instead of trying to remember who he is, foxy looked angry. "can I have a beer?" he came up the bar table, sitting right next to me

"hi" I mumble still looking at foxy but glancing at him time to time. "hello miss, you come here often?" "no not really" I said resting my head on my hand. "hey miss..." "mangle" I intrados myself, pull out my hand for a sake. "well miss mangle i'm no photographer but I can picture us together" he pull my hand up to his lips. "and if i might add, you look lovely" he kiss my hand. I froze, i couldn't even speek.

"here ye go" foxy gave the man a beer. "and if I might add, ye can flirt with anyone in this bar but ye can't With mangle" the man scoff. "I'm pretty sure the girl want a man that can promise her everything then you a mama's boy trying to make her happy for once because your that useless" The man said. When he grab his beer he wink at me before tacking a sip. "foxy is that true?" I asked facing him.

"Oh yep he's all mama. He didnt move out in till after college. Even now he-" the man stared but I cut him off. "no I mean you really thing you failed your mother?" I asked looking in his amber eyes. "I don't think, I know" foxy said pull his hair in the back of his head letting some hair fly back to where it was. "foxy it's all in your head, do you really think your mother isn't proud of her son?" I asked fixing his hair. "your right, thanks babe" we pull in for a kiss.

"okay I'm going but if you two brake up here's my card" the man gave me the card and gave foxy a death glare. I looked at the card, it had his name and phone number.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now