17) It's Back

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Mangle woke up again, she didn't seen or heard anyone when she'd looked around. The room lights where off for some reasons. She moved her hand on the wall, waiting to feel the light switch. When she did the room looked different, almost like it was a whole new room.

"Mommy?" A faint cry call out for her. Mangle flinch remembering the little voice. She turn around to see Moxy in tears. Mangle kneel down trying to get eye level with her. "Y-yes dearly" Mangle reply trying to swallow the lump of fear down her throat. "Daddy is gone again he haven't came back" she started to cry. Mangle rub Moxy's shoulders. "Is it because he doesn't want me?" She started to sob louder. "N-no sweetie he's just a little busy, that's all" Mangle told her, not knowing what's going on.

"Daddy been gone for a long time...I don't think he loves me anymore" She pull Mangle in for a hug. She tightened her grip as if this happened before, and she was pull off by force. "Mommy do you still like daddy? Is that why he's gone? Because of that fight?" She asked breathing in deep. "I don't know sweetheart. Do you remember why we fight?" Mangle asked hoping it won't be too painful to her. "Daddy was angry. He didn't like Foxy...Daddy said and do mean things to him...Daddy cut his hand, mommy. He cut it clean off..I saw everything-" she cover her face with her hands, she couldn't stop.

Mangle hug her tight. "It's okay sweetie can you please tell me where I was? But if you don-" her words stop as she sees Foxy at the door. He walk over pushing away the hair out of Moxy's face. "Are you okay? ye scared me haft to death. I thought I lost you" he put his left hand to Mangle's chin. The other shoved in his dark red jacket. "No, why?" "After he left me to die, I saw him walking to your bedroom before I black out. All I heard was screaming and fighting" he told her, lifting her hair to look at her neck. "What do you see?" Mangle asked while calming down Moxy.

"Bit marks. Did he..." he waited for her to answer. Mangle shrugged her shoulder letting out a simple hum. "Did he what, Foxy?" Moxy asked looking deep in his eyes. "Nothing. It was a useless question, Moxy" he lied. "Where's Vix?" Foxy added looking at Moxy she stood up pointing to a door with a huge lock at the handle. "In timeout, Daddy didn't like how he acted. Daddy yelled at him, he...he almost killed him, Foxy" Moxy broke up in tears. Foxy pulled her in a hug. "Well then we shall get him back, tonight!" Foxy rubbed Moxy's back calming her down.

He stood up with Moxy on his left side. Keeping herself on, she wrapped her arm around his neck. Mangle stood up as well holding on to his other arm. They stared walking forward to the locked door. Mangle felted something touch her ankle. She looked over her shoulder only to find nothing but darkness. Almost out the door, Mangle fall down being drag into the bedroom.

She Woke up on the floor. She slowly pulled herself up to looked around. The always turn off T.V was there, The strong sent of after shave next door, she was home again. Mangle stood up walking towards the phone. She call the number, waiting for it to answer. "Hello?" "Foxy, it's Mangle I have to tell you something! Come meet me at the park" she jumped with joy. "Right now?" He question. "I'm a little busy" he added. "With what?" "Packing, I'm moving out this week"

he picked up a box, writing words on it. "Why not tell me now?" "Because I miss you and wanted to see your face" she facepalm herself knowing that was a stupid pick up line. "And I really want to see that sexy face of yers too. Now can ye help me, please!" He begged. "On my way" she hung up the phone. Looking at a mirror on the way out, she had bright pink blush over her cheeks, and hair all messed up. She just push the thought of brushing her hair in the back of her head.

She knocked on his door. Waiting for a couple of seconds, he open the door greeting her in. "Sorry for the mess I'm looking for stuff to throw out" she looked around a bunch of old stuff she may or may not remember. She looked in the box with the word 'keep' on it. She saw a little pink card in the bottom of the box. "You still have it?" She picked up the pink birthday card. "Yep mother would kill me if I don't. And not to call out favorite but your the best women in my life. Throwing away a little card like that would kill me heart"

he keeled down next to her nibbling on her pail cheek. The blushed return on Mangle's face. "What about your mother?" She asked holding his face in front of hers. "I said best not wonderful" he joked. She pretend to be hurt by that. She giggle braking out of character. "Aww come here you goofball" she pulled him in for a kiss.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now