5) Fazbear

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{ Foxy }

I woke up on my couch. I was so tired last night I must had pass out when I step foot in my apartment. Too bad Mangle and I didn't got to our date. I swear she looks like Vix and who else whould have her name! I took a break thinking back in the memories and looked at the time 12:05 P.M. CRAP! I'm late! I got up and ran to my dresser looking for clean clothes. I pull out the only clean shirt I own. A pear of black jeans meet my eye they look kinda dirty but its good. I went to the door and thought I can eat later, then I was off.

. . .

"Hello Foxy, what took you so long?" Freddy asked me patting my shoulder.

"I was sleeping-in Fazbear, why ye asked?" I huffed at him.

"I was just wondering, you never came late. Care to tell me why?" Freddy folded his arms.

"last night I was babysitting kids. . .what's with that smug look!?" His lips smear across his dark face. He lean on me.

"Who's the lucky lady, Foxy?" He asked. I push his hand off my shoulder.

"Not me own kids. I was helping a friend in me apartment building. We were babysits last night." I bluntly told him.

Freddy's dirty smirk grew even more dirty. "Is this friend spacial to you, Foxy?" He asked. I was already annoyed with him.

"That's between me and Mangle, Fazbear." I said crossing my arms.

"'Mangle'? What type of name is 'Mangle'?" He asked with a puzzled looked on his face. My hands from a fist

"It's a name Fazbear! . .If you need me I'll be outside."

I storm outside to the parking lot. I saw a guy smoking on the sidewalk bench waiting for the bus and I saw a mother reading a book to her kid. I walked over there and saw a photo on the light pole. It said. "The new and improve Freddy Fazbear dinner! Bring your kids and teens! this place will entertain all ages with our new robots!" I never been there before. I wonder how different that place is from over here. I bet a lot.

I went inside to asked Freddy if I can have a longer brake so I can go over to the new Freddy Fazbear dinner. He didn't liked the idea.

"Foxy over there is a bunch of little kids that wont stop screaming and that fake Freddy is over there too. Anyways I need you to fix a lot of things in this old broken down place!" He grab a tool box and gave it to me.

"But Freddy this will take at lest a year. Even if I say after hours!" I winded.

"It wont be that long if you start now." He told me giving me a list then pushing me to the woman's bathrooms. "And don't come back until that bathroom is safe enough.

{ Mangle }

It was a normal day at work. I told a story to the little kids, giving people their odors, that kind of stuff, but today was different! Bon Bon is taking me to the old Freddy Fazbear place and I can't wait! I'm not to sure why I want to go so bad, but whatever I am what I am.

"So Mangle a little chicken told me that you were with someone last night, is that true?" Bon Bon asked me. 'a little chicken'? Who is this 'little chicken'?

"What did you hear exactly? It may or may not be true." I told her trying to act cool.

"I heard that you fond a new boy toy~" She told me.

"ME!? Why do I need a boy toy?" I asked, playing with my white hair.

"Never mine I just over heard chic (toy Chica) talking about it. But are you ready to go?" Bon Bon asked me.

"Yes but how did chic know about the guy from last night?" I asked her. She looked at me.

"Oh so there was a guy with you last night!?" She cross her arms and smear at me.

"Yes, hes name is Foxy but he was only there for helping me babysits the little kids. Then he asked me out but that's not the point. Do you know how chic fond out?" I asked her but she said she didn't know. I just forget about it. "Can we go now? Or are we waiting for something?" I said shoving her out the doors not letting her speak.

In the bus ride there was very boring so me and Bon was playing I Spy. When the bus stop Bon stood up and walk out, I fallow closely behind her.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now