13) Engaged

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{ foxy }

"so how was yer day been?" I asked glancing at the one and only mangle. she look up at me, chuckling softly. "it was just a normal day at the pizzeria" she told me, while fixing her hair. "did ye have fun playing with the little kids?" "yes. The kids was a handful a bunch of time but I made it out alive" she started to giggle.

I smile and join in. When we got there we see Bonnie and bonnet sitting on the bench waving at us. I walk out the car door to opens mangle's but when I got there she already was out. "mangle I have a big news to tell you!" Bon told mangle very chirpy. "what is it!?" mangle asked getting chirpy as well.

Bonnet move over to Bonnie and hug his arm. "we're engaged!!!" she said with more joy. "w-what!?" mangle asked more shock then me. "we're getting merrier and find somewhere to live have kids! It will be wonderful!!!" bonnet told her with even more joy and happens. "b-but what if it doesn't work out?" mangle said with a worry look. "then we'll end it, but that's never gonna happen" bonnet told her

she scrunch her nose trying not to be angry at mangle. "Bon the job you have wont be good enough to-" "Mangle! I don't care! but what I do care is do you even think this is a good idea?" bonnet asked her, all her focus is what her best friend says. "bon of corse I do it's just do you even plan this out?" mangle asked

"planed out? You think I'm the type of person that doesn't planned out?" bonnet lower her voice so other people won't notices. "no,no,no that's not what I meant" Mangle try to put whatever she's saying in good words.

"then what? You think I'll just jump in saying yes when he asked the first time!" she almost yelled. "bonnet I'm sorry I didn't-" "you know what Mangle, I'm not dealing with this right now. I'm sorry if I act like one of thous people in front of you but I'm not! I'm really not" she stared to walk away mumbling "and to think I want her to be the bridesmaid"

"I should go cheer her up. I hope you didn't take this the hard way, she's in a lot of stress right now" Bonnie told us. He ran after her. From far away Bonnie was telling Bon something. She cross her arms said something as well and they ended up hugging. I glance at mangle, she stared to walk at a carve and sit down. I walk over there, setting down next to her.

"I think I mess up my friendship with Bon" she said covering her face with her hands and lying them on her knees. "no ye didn't. Like Bonnie said 'she's in a lot of stress" I told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "I know but..why the heck I did I say that?" she look up at me. "because yer a true friend. What ye said is what ye think ye should say. Don't bet yer self up from this" I told her moving the strings of hair away from her face.

"foxy I was thinking of my dad the hole time we fight. I remember how my parents fight all the time and that.." she stop herself. She turned her body to me hugging me tight. "a-and how he left us all alone with nothing but little bit of money and a broken family" she started to cry softly. "mangle I-I don't know what to say but I love ye and nothing in the world will change that" I said kissing her forehead.

She rubbed her head on my chest then said. "foxy, thank you for being there, for saving me, and wanting to stay with me" "there nothing else I wouldn't do lass" we stayed there for awhile. 'If I want to do this, now will be it' I thought to myself. I slowly got up. "is something wrong?" she asked getting up as well. "mangle I know this is the worst timing ever but..."

I hold her hands, then I got down on one knee. "I remember ye saying 'if there's enyone in this world I want to merrier and settle down with, is you' and that got me thinking I want to be with ye. me want to hold ye tight and to get through tuft times with ye" I got out a ring.

"mangle, I don't care if people think we'er bad for each other, I don't care if there's a time where I'm completely lost or something that makes me stay far far away from ye, I will always find me way back to ye. So mangle will ye merrier me?" I asked looking in her golden amber eyes. "f-foxy..I..I-" she cut herself off. "foxy I-I"

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now