°3) A Pirate's Tale

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{Chapter Three: A Pirate's Tale}

{ Mangle }



"Once upon a time their was a princess, her name was Mangle and she was more beautiful then a mermaid. One day this sailor with the name of. . ." Foxy stopped for a moment to think.

"The sailor name should be Ed!" Mac shouted with delight.

"Ed?" Foxy looked at her.

"Ed is her imaginary friend." I whisper to him.

"Okay so Ed the sailor and princess Mangle was best friends sense they where young. When they where little they use to play tag and did everything together. But one day the sailor had to go back to sea for who knows how long. They were separated for ten years. People told her to give up on him. Some even said that Ed was dead but that wasn't true. She had gotten a note from him saying that he was fine and now with a new life as a pirate. In the note he promised to come back for her and soon they'll be married with two kids. The end."

The little girls sighed of how lovely the story was. But Tommy looked bored and I need to take care of the two babies.

"Hey kids let's take a brake and have a snack. Then maybe later we can play with the toys I have laying around" I said to the kids. They all run to the kitten while chanting. I went with them.

"Can we have ice cream?" One of the girls asked.

"Ice cream? For dinner? If you eat all your food first" I told Zoe. She groan but she ate all the food on her plate.

"Done!" Zoe shouted showing her plate.

"Wow you ate all of it!"

"No she didn't! When you turn around she put all her veggies on my plate." Mac said to me. I let out a small sigh.

"Zoe you need to eat your veggies, it makes you grow and be strong!" She looked at me all sad.

"So no ice cream?"

"No you can have ice cream just at least eat one veggie." she toke one of the veggie from Mac's plate and ate it.

"Thank you." I said as I went to make Ice cream for all 3 kids.

After I gave the kids the ice cream I worm up two bottles for the little babies. I did what I normally do, feed the kids, play toys with them, then nap time, then wait for their moms or dads to pick them up. But tonight Foxy was over, it was a little awkward. And imagine if you had to pick up your child and you see this random guy, I'm worried what the other parents would thin once they come and pick up there child.

{Nap time}

"So your telling me that ye never go anywhere fun?" Foxy ask me with a sly smile on his face.

"What!? I do fun stuff." I said trying not yelling at him.

"Prove it! What fun did you ever did and I mean not reading books and playing chest." He leaned back in his cheer. A smirk spreded across his face knowing he win.

"I'm not that boring! And 'your type' of fun I ever did was going into a old broken down house." I cross my arms trying to look cool.

"Did ye went in and out under one minute?" I scoff at him.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now