14) I do

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{ mangle }

"foxy what if th-this doesn't w-work out?" I asked in a shaky voice. "mangle, me not sure if it will, but Me do know that yer way to important to me to let go or lose to someone else...if yer not ready then I can wait" he said getting up. "no,no,no foxy, I mean yes..I mean..*deep breath* foxy I am ready to be with you...it's just I want to set things right with Bonnet, I want her to be my best friend again" I told him. He smile at me. "so after I talk to her. I do" I added. His smile grow more. We both leaned in a kiss then a hug.

"mangle, do you want the ring now or once we get things stored out?" he asked, tangling our fingers together. As we walk to another food place. "I can have it now" I told him. "okay grate! But there this thing I wanted to try out" he mumble. "what is it?" "I can give you the ring at wherever we're going and make a big deal about it" (it sounded better in my head) I chuckle at his idea. "we could" I said as I swing his and mine hand back and forth.

We walk to this fancy food place. When we walk in I saw Fred sitting alone. He glance up at the front door and wave. I wave back to him. He got up from his table and walk to us. "hey guys! What are you doing here?" Fred asked, pulling out his hand to foxy. Foxy shake his hand. "on a date, what are you doing here?" I asked him. He scratch the back of his neck, and was blushing a little. "on a blind date. I'm a little nerves because chic hook us up" "do you know her name at lest?"

he shook his head. "all what chic told me was that 'it was someone I know from the past" he said, fixing his bow tie. "well at lest ye seen this person, so it won't be that hard to find, right?" foxy said helping the problem. "your right! Can you two sit with us? I need some one's shoulder to cry on if this turn out like all the other blind dates" I ask looking at me and foxy. I nob my head. "of course, what are friends for" me and foxy follow Fred to his table.

After we sat down and got drinks. we waited by talking about how many people Fred know. "almost everyone I meant isn't this late, I mean the date stared around 20-ish minuets ago" he talk with me, and foxy was glancing around the entrants. Out of nowhere he stared laughing. "what is it?" I asked looking at him. "I..I..j-just..I-" he got cut off by his laugher.

{ Fred }

When foxy stared to laugh like his life depended on it. I look at the entrants and saw...Freddy!!! "Oh, Come On!" I huff angrily. Mangle still confused finely look at the frond doors. She put her hand to her lips trying not to laugh like foxy. "did chic really set me up with him!?" I asked looking to mangle hoping I'm wrong. She shrug her shoulders at me. "maybe you should asked him" she suggested. I'm really gonna hate this. I got up from the cheer and pushed it in.

After that I took a deep breath and walk to Freddy. "Fred? Why are you here?" he asked surprise. "I'm on a date. What about you?" I asked like it was normal. "I'm on a blind date" he answer. "who set you up?" I asked trying to figure this out. "one of your workers, chic I think" he folded his arms. "why are you asking? Are you jellies" he teased. "no I think I'm your date" I told him, you can almost hear the annoyed in my voice. "I'm sorry...what was t-that?" he asked not believing it. "just come with me we already got drinks"

I walk back to the table not caring if he follow or not. To my surprise he fallow me. "do you know why chic set me up with you?" he asked sitting down next to me, giving a small wave to foxy and mangle. "it's because I told her that I'm gay, now she's just getting a laugh out of this" I told him very calm. "wait your gay!?" freddy and foxy asked surprise with there jaw wide open, Mangle and I nob. "what else did you thought?" I asked

I look at Freddy as he pull his jaw back to normal. "straight because your always around woman!" Freddy told me still with a surprise voice. "that makes me more gay, Fazbear" I said taking a sip of my soft drink.(sorry, I just have to put that in! I always joked about girls liking gays more then straight men) "so are you straight?" I asked Freddy. "I'm by" "and there's reason two" I told him, taking another sip and looking at the menu.

Freddy huff making me look up at him. "what?" I asked. "nothing. Hey can you remind me to give Bonnie 40 bucks?" he asked. I look at him confuse. "why?" "because he said you where gay and I said your straight. So we bid $40 on who's right" Freddy said leaning back on his cheer. I huff for myself.

A Night To Remember {FNaF Foxy x Mangle}Where stories live. Discover now