{Chapter 11}

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You wake up on an empty mattress. A light blanket is draped over your shoulders. To your right, Sans is sitting on the ground. He's fast asleep, his head leaned into his hand. You had a bit of a headache, but other than that you were feeling surprisingly okay. You tried to sit up, propping yourself up on your elbows. Your wound throbs with pain.

You lay back down, wanting to avoid the pain for now. Sans must have heard this, because he woke up. "Holy shit- you're awake!" He exclaimed, suddenly wide awake. The noise hurt your head a bit. You nodded. "Yep.. I'm up." You replied softly. Sans panicked for a second, quickly grabbing a bottle of water that had been beside him. "Here. Drink this. You need it." He said, handing it to you.

You took the water, opening the bottle and drinking about half of it. You felt a lot better now that you were hydrated. "So, uh.." You started, unsure of what to say. "How long have I been out?" You ask. Sans sighs. "Too long." He answered. He seemed upset. "Y'know, that's not a real answer." You shoot back. He smiled softly. It was nice to have you back.

"You were out a few days. Everyone was wondering what happened." Sans explained. You nodded in understanding. A few days? That sucked. "Did you tell them?" You asked, looking over at Sans. He seemed a little uncomfortable. "Yeah. Well, partially. I didn't tell them about Chara or anything. Just said you got hurt and needed time to rest." He replied. That made sense. It was easier to not worry everyone so much.

You tried to sit up again, succeeding this time. "Thanks. Saves me a lot of trouble." You laughed. You were joking. At least partially, anyway. "Hey.. uh.. (Y/N). Do you think you can stand?" Sans asked. You thought about it for a second. "I dunno. I'd probably need help, though." You answered.

Sans held his hand out to you. Carefully, you took his hand. He lifted you up. You stumbled forward a little, falling into his chest. "Woah, careful. I've got you." He said comfortingly, steadying you. A smile came to your face. You couldn't help it. "Thanks.." You muttered bashfully. Sans smiled. "Anytime, kid."

Your mind went back to what you were originally going to do before you got stabbed. You turned bright red. "So uhm.. Sans?" You asked, hesitantly looking up at him. He looked down at you in return. His gaze was gentle. "What is it?" His head tilted to the side slightly. You found it interesting how people did that.

"I was kinda-sorta wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me..?" You said quietly, almost hoping that Sans didn't hear you. His cheekbones dusted blue. "Wh- I- I can't have heard that right." He replied, shaking his head slightly. "You want to go on a date with me?" He sounded like he didn't believe you.

You nodded. "Yeah..." You trailed off, embarrassed. Sans wasn't quite sure what to say. "Well.. I guess it couldn't hurt." He replied, shrugging. You smiled, feeling much better after the positive response. "Later today, then?" You asked, still leaning up against Sans. He nodded. "Whatever you want, kid. Just make sure you give me a little warning beforehand." He answered, smiling.

The two of you spent some time together before Sans had to go to work. You figured it was an excuse to leave because he was flustered. You didn't mind, though. It gave you time to plan out what to do. You walked out to waterfall. That place was the most beautiful out of everything in the Underground. You were sure to find the perfect spot there.

So, you searched for the perfect date location. You walked up and down waterfall, trying to find somewhere you'd never been before. Finally, you found it. After using the bridge seeds, you created a bridge to a hidden area. Inside was a single bench, nothing more. In front of it was the river, flowing gently. You smiled. This was perfect. Now all you had to do was go get Sans.

That was actually easier said than done. Sans loved to disappear whenever you tried to look for him. Honestly, it was a little frustrating. You knew he didn't do it on purpose, but it was still annoying. You checked the house first, but he was nowhere to be seen. After that, you checked Grillby's. Still no Sans.

You sighed softly. This was a lot harder than it had to be. So, you decided to put things off for a bit. You walked around Snowdin quietly, just enjoying yourself for a little while. You had nothing better to do, so you figured you might as well. It was nice outside, anyway. It couldn't hurt to take a minute for yourself.

Finally, after what felt like forever, you found Sans. Ironically enough, by mistake. You smiled softly. "Hey, where've you been?" You asked. It was nice to have finally found him. "Had a job over in Hotlands. Nothing too important." He replied, placing his hands in his pockets. You nodded in understanding. You supposed that made sense. 

"So, uhm.. maybe we could go on that date?" You offered, not looking Sans in the eyes. He smiled. "Sure, kid." He held his hand out to you. Smiling embarrassedly, you take it. "I found a spot for us, l-let me take you there!" You said, wanting to show Sans the special area of waterfall you found.

Sans didn't resist, happily following you as you walking along. Thankfully, it wasn't a very long walk. You stepped carefully onto the bridge seeds, worried that they might sink under your weight. "Don't worry, these things are practically indestructible." Sans comforted, squeezing your hand affectionately. You smiled, your fear now lessened.

"I figured we could hang out here for a while.. y'know, since it's so pretty." You said, still feeling awkward about the whole situation. Sans looked around. "You picked a good spot, kid." He replied, taking a seat on the bench. You followed after him, sitting down beside him. You listened to the sound of the river, taking in a deep breath.

Sans put his hand over yours gently. You were a little surprised, but you didn't move. You didn't want to ruin the moment. Yet, at the same time, the silence was beginning to get awkward. "So-" Both you and Sans started at the same time. You blushed from embarrassment. "You go ahead.." You muttered, having forgotten what you were going to say anyway.

"Well, uhm, I wanted to say thanks. Y'know, for taking me here and everything." Sans said, feeling a little awkward himself. You smiled nervously, looking down at the ground. "It's no problem, really. I mean, it's only fair! You take me places all of the time.." You trailed off, not knowing quite where that thought was going. Sans considered what you said for a second.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, it's nice of ya." Sans replied, looking out at the water. You followed his gaze. "Do you like waterfall?" You asked, curious. Sans nodded. "For the most part, yeah. It's real pretty here." He replied, before turning to you. "What about you?" That wasn't what you were expecting. He wanted to know what you thought?

"I like it here.. it's peaceful." You answered, smiling softly. Sans seemed to like that answer. It was quiet again for a few moments. "Y'know, this is great. I can finally say I've been touched by an angel." Sans said out of nowhere, surprising you a little. You laughed. "Is that your idea of flirting?" You asked, unable to help another few giggles.

Sans shook his head. "Of course not." He replied. You tilted your head to the side a little confused. "Then what is?" You questioned. Sans reached his arm over your shoulder, pulling you a little closer. "This is." He answered, staring into your eyes. You got a little embarrassed, looking away. Sans chuckled. 

"Your reactions are real cute. You get embarrassed easy." Sans noted, smiling. This, unfortunately, only made you more embarrassed. Sans couldn't help laughing at you. "Sorry, kid." Sans said, giving your shoulder a small affectionate squeeze. You rolled your eyes. "Sure you are." You replied, nudging Sans in the ribs playfully.

You and Sans spend a bit more time in waterfall, before deciding to head back home. Overall, the two of you had a nice time. "So, uhm... would you consider a second date?" You asked awkwardly, looking down at the snow beneath you. Sans smiled. "I would love that." He replied, intertwining his fingers with yours. The rest of the walk home, the two of you were hand-in-hand.

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