{Chapter 12}

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You and Sans arrived home to see a peeved Papyrus. He had his arms crossed over his chest. "Uh.. heya, Paps." Sans greeted. Papyrus narrowed his eye sockets. "JUST WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" He asked, staring down at the two of you. Your mind raced as you struggled to think of a response. "I- uh.. we were..." You trailed off, unable to think of an acceptable answer.

Luckily, Sans did this for you. "We were out. The two of us went to waterfall." He explained. Papyrus accepted that answer. "VERY WELL THEN." He said, walking off to the kitchen and leaving the two of you to your own devices. You sat down on the couch, beckoning for Sans to sit beside you. He joined you shortly after, placing his hand over yours again. "You know, if you want to hold hands, you can just say so." You said, intertwining your fingers with his.

Sans blushed slightly, looking down at the ground. "Pff.. I knew that." He replied, a little embarrassed. You chuckled. "Cute." You whispered, wanting to mess with him. It worked. His blush darkened. "SAY... I HAVE AN IDEA!" Papyrus said, poking his head out of the kitchen. You look over.

"What's your idea?" You asked, curious. Papyrus seems proud of himself. "WE SHOULD HAVE A SLEEPOVER. YOU KNOW, INVITE ALL OF OUR FRIENDS!" He replied excitedly. You smiled. That sounded like fun. Plus, it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know everyone better. "That sounds wonderful, Papyrus." You said, already excited.

Papyrus quickly grabbed his phone. "ALRIGHT THEN! I'LL SET EVERYTHING UP!" He ran up to his room excitedly. You giggled softly. For someone who seemed so silly, Papyrus was actually pretty competent. ".. what'd you go calling me cute for..?" Sans asked quietly, still stuck on your comment. You tried not to laugh.

"Your reactions are funny." You replied, making fun of what Sans said to you earlier. He noticed, looking away. Seeing him embarrassed was still new to you. Honestly, you liked it. It was entertaining. "Fuck off..." Sans muttered, seeming a little pouty. You figured he would get over it soon enough.

After a moment or two, Papyrus came downstairs. "OKAY. I HAVE EVERYTHING ALL PLANNED OUT. I INVITED UNDYNE, METTATON, AND ALPHYS. THEY'LL BE HERE IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS." He explained, seeming very serious about this whole thing. You didn't mind it. If anything, it was cute. In a platonic way, of course. You were in love with Sans, not his brother.

"Thank you, Papyrus. I don't know what we'd do without you." You said, only being half sarcastic. Your life wouldn't be nearly as interesting without Papyrus. "YOU WOULD STARVE, PROBABLY." He replied. You figured it wasn't meant to be a joke, but it was hilarious anyways. You snickered, trying to cover it up with a cough. You didn't want to offend Papyrus.

Papyrus was busy with preparations, so you had more time to mess with Sans. When you turned to look at him, though, he disappeared. You figured he teleported up to his room. You huffed. That was no fun. You got up, deciding you should probably help Papyrus. Just to make sure he stayed safe.


Finally, people started showing up. It was refreshing. You'd been pretty bored since Sans disappeared. Undyne was the first to come in. You expected that, since she was so competitive. "Hey, punk!" She greeted, pulling you into a tight hug. You were a little startled by it, but you didn't mind. You smiled. "Hey!" You replied, happy to see her. Well, you were, until she noogied you. "Wh- stop that!" You laughed, trying to pull out of her grip. It wasn't exactly unexpected, but it was a little unpleasant.

Undyne finally let go of you, snickering. "How've you been?" She asked. You shrugged. "Better now. That rest was needed." You half-joked, smiling. She lightly punched your shoulder. "Don't leave for that long again. It's not cool." She said. You couldn't quite tell if she was joking or not. Then again, you could rarely tell when Undyne was joking. She seemed like a very serious person.

You talked to Undyne and Papyrus for a little bit, catching up properly with both of them. Finally, there was a knock at the door again. "I'll get it." You said, walking over. On the other side of the door was Alphys, along with a robot you'd never seen before. "We're here, darlings~!" The robot called. Wait, you recognized that voice. "Mettaton?" You asked, a little confused. He smiled.

"The one and only." Mettaton replied. You supposed Alphys had made him a new body. That was cool. "Oh- sorry. Come in." You said, moving out of the way to let both of them in. Alphys smiled softly at you as she walked past. You closed the door behind them. Now everyone was here. Well, everyone except Sans. He was still hiding. "Hang on, I'll be back in a second." You called, going upstairs.

You weren't going to let Sans just hide away the whole time. Then you would be bored. You knocked softly on the door. A muffled response came out of Sans. You couldn't quite tell what he was saying, though. So, you opened the door. Sans was sitting in bed, not really doing much of anything. "Alright, come on. You can't stay up here all night." You said, walking over.

Sans smiled. "You sure? I'm pretty comfortable." He replied. You rolled your eyes. "Sans, come on. You can't leave me alone with them like that. They'll burn the house down." You reasoned. You only said that on the account that you didn't quite trust Undyne. Not because she was a bad person, just because she tended to take things too far.

"Fine, fine." Sans said, getting up. He didn't seem too enthused about it, but you didn't care. You smiled, walking out of Sans' room and waiting for him. He followed shortly after you, seeming tired. You shut the door behind him so he couldn't retreat back inside. "Come on, lazy bones." You started walking down the stairs.

Sans reluctantly followed. He wanted to get back to his nap, but he supposed this was fine too. "Look at that! The recluse came out of his hole." Undyne joked. Sans rolled his eyelights. "Hello, Undyne." He replied, sitting down on the couch. You snickered softly at their interaction. It seemed like everyone was starting to do their own thing now.

Alphys and Mettaton were busy talking over by the table. Undyne and Papyrus were in the kitchen. You weren't sure what they were doing though. You were debating joining Sans on the couch when you noticed Mettaton beckoning you to join him. Curious, you went over. Mettaton had a cheeky grin on his face.

"So, darling, did you go on that date?" Mettaton asked, all smug. You got embarrassed. "Yeah.. I did." You replied, feeling your cheeks burn a little. Alphys got all excited. "Ohmygosh really? What was it like? What did you do?" She asked quickly, getting closer to you. A soft laugh escaped from you in an attempt to make things less awkward.

You didn't look Alphys in the eyes. "Well, uhm.. we went to waterfall and just sort of hung out for a bit." You explained, unsure of what to say. Mettaton seemed intrigued at this. "And? Do you love them?" He questioned. You went quiet. You didn't want to admit that out loud quite yet. "You do!" He exclaimed. You shoved him slightly. "SHH!" You said, looking up at him with a slightly scornful look.

Mettaton smirked. "Why? Are they here~?" He asked, leaning teasingly close to you. Panic rushed through you. "No! No, they're not.." You said quickly. Mettaton laughed. "Relax, darling. I'm only messing with you." He said, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. You got even more embarrassed, looking away.

You walked away, wanting to escape both the awkward and embarrassing situation. You sat down on the couch beside Sans. "Woah- you okay? You're looking a little red." He said, leaning forward a little to look at your face. You looked away quickly. "I'm fine." You replied quickly, crossing your arms over your chest. Getting a small idea of what had happened, Sans smiled.

"Okay, sure," Sans said in an almost teasing way. You tried to ignore it. Undyne and Papyrus came out of the kitchen, carrying as many snacks as they could carry. "Movie time, losers!" Undyne yelled, dropping the bagged snacks onto the ground. You chuckled softly. Well, at least the attention would be off of you for a little while.

Everyone grabbed pillows and sat down on the ground. You and Sans both elected to stay on the couch, avoiding the crowdedness of the floor. Alphys picked a movie and everyone went quiet. It was some cheesy anime film. You might've enjoyed it if you were actually paying attention. Unfortunately, you were a bit too tired for that. 

About halfway through the film, you felt yourself nodding off. You didn't really try to avoid it, seeing no reason to stay up. Luckily, no one noticed. They were all too busy with the movie. After a few minutes, you fell asleep. Your body, now unable to keep itself up, leaned on Sans. He jumped a little, not expecting it. He turned to look at you. Once he saw you were asleep, he smiled softly. He was glad to see that you were okay and resting.

When Two Souls Collide {Sans x Reader} REMASTEREDWhere stories live. Discover now