Chapter 3: Welcome To Hogwarts

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"It's going to be alright, Y/n," Pansy reassures you as Professor McGonagall waits to lead you to the staff room behind the Great Hall. The other professors will be present to witness the Sorting Hat sort you into your Hogwarts House. As a transfer student, you won't need to participate in the traditional sorting ceremony later.

"Yeah, of course, you're coming with us. Every Parkinson has been sorted into Slytherin," Theo adds with a hint of pride.

"O-Okay," you nervously respond, your head nodding in agreement as you follow McGonagall.

"What if she ends up in Hufflepuff?" Pansy worries, nibbling on her nails.

"Or Ravenclaw?" Blaise adds, sharing in the concern.

"Oh, God..." Pansy leads the boys to the Great Hall and they settle down at the Slytherin table, anxiously awaiting the Sorting Hat's decision.

The Great Hall buzzes with excitement as it fills with hungry students eager to reconnect with their friends. Time passes, and the anticipation grows. The night grows deeper, yet the proper sorting event has yet to commence.

"What's taking so long?" Draco chimes in, also growing impatient with the delayed feast.

"I don't know, maybe the Sorting Hat is having trouble figuring out where your sister belongs," Theo quips.

After a few more minutes, the professors start emerging from the staff room and take their seats at the staff table.

"Look! Professor Vector is at the staff table. Maybe it's finally happening," Mattheo remarks, his eyes fixed on the professors gathering and settling into their places.

"But where is she?"

Before Draco can respond, you emerge from the staff room, flanked by Dumbledore and McGonagall on either side.

The other students whisper among themselves, intrigued by your presence.

"Who's that?"

"She's so... pretty."

Dumbledore walks up to the podium and claps his hands twice to gather everyone's attention.

"Good evening, everyone. Before we begin the official sorting ceremony, I would like to address you all. I am pleased to introduce Miss Y/n Parkinson, a transfer student from our esteemed sister boarding school in Germany, Omnes Puellae Schola. Today marks her first day here at Hogwarts."

The students erupt into applause as you shyly smile and offer a slight bow.

"And, as is customary for all Hogwarts students, she has been sorted into her House. I am delighted to announce that she will be joining the ranks of Slytherin..." Dumbledore's voice is drowned out by the cheers and excitement emanating from the Slytherin table.

"Yes! I knew it!" Pansy exclaims, unable to contain her joy.

Your smile widens as McGonagall motions for you to join the Slytherin table.

"I think she's a goddess," a Gryffindor student whispers as you pass by.

Pansy stands up and pulls you into a hug.

"I knew you could do it!" she exclaims, pinching your cheeks.

"Aww... Pansy," you respond, massaging your cheeks affectionately.

Pansy's excitement shines through as she eagerly pulls you closer to her side.

"Welcome to Slytherin!" Blaise exclaims, a warm smile gracing his face. You offer a polite nod in response, grateful for the warm welcome.

Engineer of Reality (Draco Malfoy x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now