Chapter 10: Hide it Draco

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Draco woke up very early. He wanted to sleep more in your arms but he force himself to wake up early. So if you wake up, it won't look and feel weird to you that Draco is sleeping beside you.

You're safe and sound asleep when he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead before leaving.

Draco knows it's not being just kind anymore. He feels warm beside you. He feels whole whenever you're with him. Your smile brightens up his day and fills the butterflies in his stomach.

Your simple gestures are making him crazy.

Later that day, he found you with Pansy in the Great Hall eating breakfast.

You saw him and you instantly smile at him. That smile can always make his knees weak.

"Draco!" You called and move a bit to give him space to sit. He nervously sat down next to you. "Thanks for bringing me home last night. You truly are my lifesaver. Here." You handed him a gift.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Please don't open it here. Uhm... I find it awkward when people are opening gifts that I bought for them. But anyway, thank you again." 

He put it in his pocket and nodded. He never encounters a person before who that so excited when they see him. Even to Astoria. 

Isn't it weird, that the people who have a crush or used to like us is the first one who loses their feelings when they finally have us?

"Draco, have you heard the first years getting in trouble last night?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah, Snape told me about it." Draco sigh and prepare himself his breakfast. "And we have our first quidditch match of the season this Friday so we're going to have a whole week of practice every after classes," Draco added.

"I know you'll do well, Draco." You said and give him a thumb's up. Draco chuckled and nod. 

"Thanks, Y/n."

You smile and finish your food. 

Finally, Matteo, Theo and Blaise arrived. The trio is visibly having a hangover. 

"Argh... I feel like I'm going to throw up any moment now." Blaise stated and Pansy throw him a look. 

"I told you to not drink too much last night," Pansy said and roll her eyes.

"Here," You handed Blaise an orange peel. "Smell it, it'll reduce the chance of you throwing up." You said. 

"Thanks, Y/n."

"Oh, by the way, Draco, I received my paper works for our business this morning. Can I borrow Ulysses to send my work later this afternoon?" 

"Yeah, sure. You know Ulysses right? He has a green and silver tag on one of his claws."

"Yup! Thanks, so I need to go. I have works to do." You excuse yourself and walk out of the Great Hall and return to your room.

After breakfast, Draco went to 1st year's dormitory and sort out the mess that they made last night. He also brought them to Filch for their detention tonight in the Forest. After that, he informed Snape about it and Snape gives him the new schedule for the laundry of the Slytherin house. He handed it to Pansy and he went to his room to have a nap. 

He remembers the gift that you gave him this morning. He unwarps it and it's a chocolate bar with a letter inside. 

Dear Draco, 

Thank you for always taking care of me. You're the nicest human being that I have ever known. You're the best. 

Love, Y/n.

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