Chapter 25: Fix You

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You pout your lips as you watch Draco gets ready to go in his office.

"Don't worry, Y/n. Draco will be back." Blaise comforts you.

"Hmm..." You sigh and lean on Blaise.

"Draco, let's go." Theo said as he poke his head inside Draco's office.

"Hold on." Draco drag his lugage out of his office and walk towards you. You're sitting on his desk. "I have to go, my love." He said and lean his forehead on yours.

"Hmm... Mkay." You sigh and close your eyes.

Draco lean on your ears.

"I love you, I'll be back in two weeks." He then kiss your cheek. He doesn't want to linger any longer because he might not let you go.

You watch as Draco leave.

"Let's go, Y/n." Blaise help you to get down and lead you to his office. "Draco said you like sleeping while you're in office so... He left his pillows here."

Your eyes widen and hop on to the sofa. You lay down and hug Draco's pillow. It defenitely smell like him. You smile and giggle.

Blaise also smile and gets to his work. As long as you're happy, everything is fine.

Your routine did not change because Blaise is well oriented by Draco what to do on everything you need.

Theraphy went great.

"Her speech is improving a lot!" Jeremy said to Blaise when you had your theraphy. "She'll recover in no time. You can also start to ask her or tell her about her life before the incident. It will help her lots on recovering her memories."

"Thanks, Doc." Blaise said and smile to Jeremy.

"No worries. Is she staying with Draco?"

"Oh, Draco went on to a business trip in North America, New York. She's staying with me for a moment."

"That's explains the pillow." Jeremy and Blaise look at you. You're currently laying on a hospital bed, fidgeting with a rubics cube while huging Draco's pillow.

"Yeah. She's really attached to Draco. Is it bad or..."

"It's normal for her to feel that way. Specially only Draco have the access on her private spaces everyday. Plus its still a traumatic experience to wake up one day and you can't remember anything. Draco is her anchor to reality. It's very normal, you don't have to worry." Jeremy explains.

Blaise nod his head in content.

"Thank you again, Doc. See you next week." Blaise and Jeremy walk towards you.

"No worries. Next week, let's give her a more complicated tests. She's very witty." Jeremy chuckle and so did Blaise. "Doc, time to go home." He said to you.

You got up and carefully place the rubics cube on the side table. You put on your sneakers and hug Draco's pillow again.

"Let's go, let's eat dinner in your favorite." Blaise said.

"B-bye, thank you!" You wave to Jeremy.

"See you next week, Doc!"

Blaise treat you to a nice dinner. After that, you two went home in his and Pansy's apartment.

Since Pansy is in Hogwarts, Blaise live there alone. He only had a chance to be with Pansy during holidays.

Your room is already ready when you got there. Clothes are neatly packed in a suit case and Blaise help you unpack them on a closet. After unpacking, you wash yourself and get ready for the night.

Engineer of Reality (Draco Malfoy x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now