Let Us Never Forget

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Let us never forget their hard work and dedication.

While all the things they fought hard for, we often take for granted.

They tried their best to fight.

So, we have to make a change; to end their hurt and pain.

Let us never forget where we came from, or our heritage.

Because, we have and will accomplish bigger and greater things.

They left their families and their homes.

So that we could see and witness a freedom of our own.

Some beat and some even left dead.

But, up until their deaths, they stood up for what they believed, and never fled.

Let us never forget how our lives used to be.

But we should definitely remember those who fought for a change,

And now that we are free, let us never forget.

That goes for you as well as me.

Let us never forget what Rosa, Martin, and Diane did.

Oh, wait there were many others, but these are just a few.

Who worked day and night, and always saw it through.

They marched, held sit-ins, and even boycotted the busses.

So that you and I could have basic freedoms such as:

Voting, be able to eat where we wanted,

And never have to worry about racism, injustice, or any of those burdens.

So, let us celebrate together a celebration of this great change.

A change that was badly needed.

So, each of us can now live in peace and harmony.

Let us be glad and shout to the heavens of the changes that were made.

Let us celebrate the changes that have been made,

From slavery to civil right, and even up to today.

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