A Dream

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In the middle of the night, I close my eyes

And enter a world that's beyond the skies.

A place where nothing is what it seems

Where anything is possible in my dreams.

Here, I am a prince, strong and brave

With a kingdom to rule, and a world to save.

Or maybe I am a bird, soaring high

Above the clouds, where the air is nigh.

I could be a painter, with a canvas in sight

Creating a masterpiece with colors so bright

Or a writer, with stories to tell

And verses to craft, that cast a spell.

My dream world is endless, with no bounds or limit

And I can explore it all, without any permit.

For dreams are the gateway to a world so divine

A place where the impossible, becomes the possible and shine.

So, close your eyes, and take a deep breath

And let your imagination run wild, till death.

For in that moment of sleep, a dream awaits

To transport you far beyond, and open new gates.

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