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In the midst of a world in turmoil and strife,

Chaos reigns supreme, disrupting our life.

From the hurricanes wild to the earthquakes deep,

Disaster upon disaster seems to never sleep.

The wars rage on with no end in sight,

While innocent lives are lost in the fight.

We search for order in this chaos of ours,

But darkness looms and no light empowers.

The people in power don't seem to care,

As they spread chaos with an evil glare.

The world spins and spins in a dizzying spin,

A never-ending cycle of chaos and sin.

Chaos reigns, a tempest wild and free

A dance of destruction, anarchy and glee

The torrent that ravages, tumultuous and fierce

Throws everything into disarray, scattering it in reverse.

Oh, how we yearn for some peace and rest,

To put an end to this never-ending test.

But hope remains, though dim it may seem,

For light always follows the darkest dream.

From the shattered ruins, a new world may rise

A phoenix born from destruction, soaring to the skies.

But in the meantime, chaos rules the day

A primal force that never gives way.

Unpredictable and untamable, a force to be reckoned with

Defying all attempts to control, leaving a trail of myth.

For in the chaos, there is power and might

A cacophony of voices, a symphony of light.

And so, we dance in the midst of chaos and strife

Embracing the tumult, the rhythm of life.

For without chaos, there would be no growth

And without growth, there would be no hope.

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