🌺Company -Grom x reader

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Requested by @sune2Goat

The starr castel

A newly introduced attraction
for you it sounded interesting , although it might seem boring to some for its mideval theme ,but it should have something right ? However, that's not how things went with you

Your only way was that you applied to work there as a security guard . Well , the place sure is big its is a castle after all . and someone has to keep out on everything there.

And Well,suprise suprise you're accepted

Upon your arrival , you were amazed by how massive it is . Everything around you of the castle was eye-snatching although it was also crowded with people, brawlers and everyone else that came there .

"This is going to be a long day " you sighed , trying your best to keep your eyes sharp on everything that happens there watching out for everyone and everything ...ect

At the end of the day, you let out a breath of relief and tiredness ,as you headed to this room that they'd give to the workers here to either rest on or to spend the night in .Although there were a bunch of them .

At first you thought you were alone at this job as much chances were that to you worked alone but you decided to not think of it

All you wanted Right now is a peaceful rest ...

As The next day arrives you got ready for the job you were about to leave,but this time curiousity got the best of you and you decided to knock on the door next to yours .

Not so far after the door opened and a bulky figure peeks from behind the door ,you gulped as you thought of what would happen next.

"You..." A voice started

As a shadow emerged from behind the door
You trembled in fear for whats about to happen next

"You must be the new guard here " the voice continued

Apparently you didn't need to worry anymore ...

" My name is grom " he started although the voice seems deep and had this Russia accent

O-oh , hi my name is y/n ,nice to meet you... "You replied

"Uhm soo ..."you tried to continue the talk but words betrayed you
It wasn't so soon till you left for work right after

As The two went on to thier ways to thier posts it was quite, way too quiet actually.

"So grom , whats it like here around the castle" you asked

" Uh ... It is big , people are everywhere you see , it is hard to do all work alone " he answered

" Oh ... Well in that case , you have me here now to help you ahaha" you replied the laugh fading soon

Why It is really hard to start a conversation....

"Ohohoh...this brings me happiness" he replied joyfully

Finally you arrived at your work stations and began on your shift

He seems good ,and nice ! . ignore the fact that conversations are way below 0 between you two for the first day .

As the time goes on the two started to get more used to eachother you'd talk even more

There's this time he gave you a gift
You excitedly opening it to find
It was a device similar to his

"What is it " you asked curiously

"It is a walkie talkie , you can take it anywhere with you "

"Now remember, must remember bring walkie talkie" he continued

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