stu x reader

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Requested by imscaredofthedark3

Y/n a newly requited mechanic hired in starr park to help keep all the robots on track and up to maintenance.

Since you were new on the job pam had agreed to take you in for training.

Most of the time she'll only give you simple fixing situations nothing hard or something you cant do,until you learn how you manage more .

As the time goes by you started to get more experienced at your job and pam Trusts you without any  hesitation. Wich meant you can now get to work with more challenging things such as fixing a robot brawler .

She had shown you databooks and blue prints on almost every single brawlers, showed you on how to deal with any possible situation.

A few days later it was your time to shine , you'll get to the first job at the stunt show .

Apparently the main robo performer there needed a bit of check up , after you took a look at it you knew it was an easy job . Just replace those burnt cords check the circuits ...and done .

After the check up was done , the stunt  bot stood up again and started

" Oh , are you up for a test run already?"

"A-A-Atest run ? BHAHAHA I-I im a s-stunt bot baby a t-test run for a l-losers"

You looked at him a bit confused of what he said is he serious? what if he breaks again.and before you even notice he's off again .

Not even a second late he  launched  himself into the next track speeding up every second it had sent him flying into the sky you can swear you heard him go "Y-YEAAAAH" mid air .

Is he happy or excited?

Probably both actually...

You had stayed longer just in case something happens, when it seemed that nothing was wrong you left the scene, probably more work awaits.

It there's a robot that needs repairs more than anyone else combined it has to be stu.

Everytime you are called to repair him its always something worse than the other.

And just like that, you got used to the fact that there's always a stu-ation in your schedule

Although it makes you question it how have he come always make it worse but he's a stunt bot and this is what he does stunts.

You tried to warn him so many times that he had to be careful. But it just didn't seem to bother him .

He did tell you that that's the fun part for him ,if ya ain't seeing stars you didn't do nothin '

At one point he even offered if you'd join the show to do stunts.he started to talk to you about different stunts.

"You can do the Canon like Bonnie o-or sick sky tricks like janet "

"I ..."

"W-what not a fan oh hieghts?!"

"Pr-obablly a monst-ter truck Or may-ybe we'll give you a b-bike your choice !" He cheered.

"B-but just between y-you a-and me id pick the canon b-bonnie always goes beyond l-limitss"

"But uh ,... Isnt it dangerous for her she's just a kid?" You asked .

"W-hat? What do you mea-an dangerous she-s got a helmet "he replied.

" Thats not ... nevermind just don't either you or the girls gets hurt got it ?"   Said y/n.

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