Lawrie headcanons

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A little something so the book wouldn't be dead
Stupid block Grr
I just yeeted a two month work project in a week and somehow got a pass i can't even explain how stressed it made me man the relief  after 🤧

21 hcs  just for u ;3

✧Lawrie wasn't the best at first towards you, not in a rude way or anything (maybe a little harsh talking), but only because he had to maintain character.

✧having the role of a bad cop always keeps him on the edge ,no matter what.

✧Once he gets more used to you, he's more talkative than before.

✧Might not fully trust you yet, but he's willing to give it a shot.

✧Once he trusts you ,he'd be more open to talk often to you just like larry except it was sort of less strict?

✧Lawrie definitely would love to invite to have some coffee with him at some point.

✧After sometime he'd notice he had gotten more attached to you and loves to have you around him .

✧Hed try talking to you about how he feels but can't do it properly with  having larry constantly teasing him about it like an annoying mosquito .

✧You notice that he's trying and appreciate his efforts to talk to you about it.

✧You understand ,and assure him  its alright you comfort him,just for the cause he doesn't think he messed up .And of course you had accepted  his feelings for you

✧Regardless of his rough attitude and personality, lawrie does show you a soft side .

✧The brawler definitely likes to hold your hands because of small and soft they are.

✧He can get so flustered that his headlight gets so bright .

✧He'd do anything to keep you safe, Lawrie would never forgive himself if he let anything happen to you .

✧if he can't be there he'd ask larry to watch over you, regardless he'd try return as soon as he can.Lawrie can't have the both of you hurt at the same time.

✧Definitely not the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to romance with you,but and the sharpest tool in the shed when its about protecting you.

✧he loves whenever you give him head pats  everything you cuddle.

✧Lawrie would try and sneakily give you a kiss on the cheek, you can't help but blush and hide your face away stumbling in your words he'd giggle at your reaction.

✧ Likes hugging you from behind and picking you up very often.

✧You love that he smiles to you a lot , something about his smile makes your heart flutter.

✧ if you ever end up having eye contact he was  the first to look away,he thinks he might still need some time to muster up the courage.

Ps Lawrie sketch that i may or may not add here 😗

Ps Lawrie sketch that i may or may not add here 😗

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