Chester x emotionless!Reader

397 12 2


Requested by hazbinhotelmalessimp

Chester was always your closest childhood friend.

Regardless of yours situation and others keeping away from you he stayed.

You never knew why but It really makes you wonder. Why he decided to stick along and not leave like everyone else .

Maybe he didn't know or he just didn't care.

However his company it makes you less lonely. At least...

A little change of the usual since everyone has stayed away

You had gotten used to his energetic self by the time,for you it doesn't really make a difference unlike your first meeting. 

You don't remember what happened fully,but ...

Something about it ... didn't feel right....

Whenever the memory plays in your head,it was like your mind was forced in a world of grey .

A loop that had you stuck with it only to repeat over and over again everytime you don't know what to do.


That day...

You not being able to share the laughter and joy with him the scene of him laughing at the jokes while you just kept staring emptily .

It took him a moment to realise you weren't laughing too, to him as an attempt and determination to make you smile kept on trying over and over again .

It all went to avail.

The words he said back then still echoes in your ears.

"What about this one?"




"Come on, there's has to be one you like!"

" Just a little smile..."

" Please?"..

Regardless of the jester's multiple efforts your expression stayed blank and you couldn't look back at him after the smile disappeared from his face.

"I need to go .."

The sight had haunted you ever since.

You were never found of it .

It was despicable,you were thinking that it'll make him upset with you.

But it wasn't the case since he never left your side.yet again it still keeps you wondering whenever you think about it.

A side of you didn't want to lose him and wanted to just be with him .

But another...

You think as if your presence was no longer needed beside him after that .

Eventually you ended up distancing yourself, staying only with your thoughts locking yourself away at home .

Regardless of the brawler constant visits to you you didn't wish to show your face anymore.
And you kept on pushing him away

Even with the time passing it still continues..

You think about telling Chester sometimes,yet again the thought of losing him...

It only makes you think of something that you can't describe.


You were sitting in your room doors and curtains closed preventing any source of light to peek inside.

You laid on the ground as you tried to keep a clear mind away from any thoughts.

From time to time you look around analysing the furniture surrounding you.

Everything looked dull.

Empty ..


The bad thoughts seeping in like mist weren't any better.

'Am I really going to stay like this forever?'

You think as you took a look once again.

A group of plushies were neatly placed on the bed you stood from your place and went to them .

As you hold one closer gently brushing the fabric with the tips of your fingers.

Those were gifts from Chester attempting to cheer you up.

It sure was of great value,you wouldn't forgive yourself if it were to be damaged.

' I was in the wrong wasn't I ?'

This is not right...

I can't...

But I have to ...



"Oh Y/n ! Hello, I was about to visit you"

"Thank you Chester,There is something important I need to talk to you about.."



Y/n I.."

"It's going to be alright"

"No it's not ! and it will never BE" you spoke your tone rising .

" Come on, don't worry ...I'm sure its-...

"Even after everything I did ?"

"Yes I forgive you, but I need you to do something for me "

" I never want you to lose hope "

"Will you promise me ?." he said extending his pinky to you.


As you stayed still once more, still thinking.You looked down for a few seconds.

It sure is going to mean a lot to him, even if my mind said otherwise...

'If only everyone else was understanding as you... '

'I only wish to be....'

"Y/n, everything alright?"




" Yes..yes everything is okay".


" I'll trust you this time Chester, I promise "


Oh lawd ...
A month long with no updates oof...
I feel like I messed up again (pls tell me 🥺)

I know some might be very upset with me for not posting the requests soon 👹 and I totally wouldn't blame you.

I apologize once again although apologizes may not really be enough but ...

Now I finally feel rested and free from the stress that haunted me all year long so ...

I'll try to catch on to the update schedule again.

-have a great day:3✨

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