phoenix crow x Reader

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Ah yes i did it guys i finished every single request 💪😎you know what this means requests are open again

Requested by Unifly_U hope you like it

Crow was always considered a brawler not to mess with mostly because the gang and poison stuff and also because he was annoying on showdown, always chasing other brawlers.

Well he was an assassin after all . Its a part of what he does .

But regardless of that you somehow managed to defy that fact.

He was your best friend.
Actually very close to you too .

You weren't sure how or why it happened.

He always hangs around with you at some point in his day, when he's not brawling or probably isn't in a gang stuff with bibi or bull .

Although as much as he likes to be with you he always keeps it private.
Mostly because hes worried about you of getting hurt .

He can't have others targeting you as a way to get through to him .

also because he doesn't want to be called a softie.

Not like he cares if it refers to him directly but Because of his team repetition including bibi and bull .

And also because he ABSOLUTELY hates when he's not taken seriously.

But regardless of that you were always used with his company .

And you were happy with him .

The fact that as if he was a complete different person with you.

He had shown you a complete side of him you never knew existed .

To you he was always kind to you although he wasn't really romantic type when you are with him but he tries.

He sometimes gives you hugs or little cuddles, he was soft ... and that gave you comfort sometimes some of his feathers get stuck into you .

You find this quiet funny actually, he also jokes about it as well.

Him being honest about his feelings towards you makes you really content.

that is until he disappeared one day you didn't really know why, and he didn't tell you anything either but after you asked bibi and bull they said that he did had some sort of accident .

Although you insisted on them to tell you more but you got nothing.

Your worries increased
again after hearing the word accident. You hoped that he'd be okay and decided to visit him .

"I just can't let you see me like this its too shameful ..."

"Oh no , dont worry im sure its -..."

"Y/n... You trust me right?".


" then i need you to go for now i promise you'll be the first person i come to once im better ".


Although it pained you to leave not knowing how his situation was nor if he needed anything.

He needed you to listen now more than ever and so you did.

But at the bottom of your heart you hoped he'd just be okay .

Couple of days go by and yet he didn't appear.Your worries only continue to rise because of it you only wanted to see him, even just for a split second so your fears for him would finally be put down.

You were sitting alone in your home, trying to keep yourself busy with anything that could distract you from stressing all the time .

When suddenly your actions were interrupted by a knock on the door .

You think to yourself...who could it be ?

You open the door....

What you saw on the other side had left you schoked.

It ...was crow? But not the way you remember him .

Instead of the original color his feathers had a yellowish with a hue of orange a fire like color as if it was kissed by the sun .His eyes had become all red .

And not just that .

His blue jacket was changed into a black leather one with some sort of chains for bracelets on his arms .

You tilt your head in a bit of confusion and think a bit before saying your next words.

"So, what do you think of my new look y/n ?"

" Oh .. not sure what you were going for but... i like it 10/10"

" You don't know...?."

" its a phoenix y/n"

"Oh ohh.. right right i get it now the legendary Greece ancient bird sorry about that "

"Don't worry about it "

Actually it started to make sense to you know of course he was inspired by it . As a legendary creature and him as a legendary brawler. Both birds . Yeah that has to be it .

Shortly after you invite him in realising you had him on the door for a bit now.

You talk for some time and do some catching up ,and finally he had explained to you about what happened the accident that ot included amber and some sort of a custom made potion from byron that he requested.

You nod and say that you're happy at least now you saw him and hes okay .

He stays to spend some time with you and leaves hours after he realized he might be late to see bibi and bull too.

After all he did fulfill his promise to you that you'd be the first that he comes to see .

You wave him a bye and go back to what you were doing waiting that he'd return sometime after .


But it really makes you think would really things be the same like before ?

Sure its just a look change and not his character right?

This worries you , and you were really eager to ask him about it

You weren't sure what made you feel this way but a word from him would settle this all.

You gather enough courage to talk to him about it , your heart beating fast by every step you take , it hurted you and it wasn't bearable anymore.

When you got to him and told him about it he had comforted you that he definitely wont change to hate you and never will.

And even offers you a hug he knows how much you like to hug him knowing that you think he's so soft and hugable so he lets you as much as you want.

He had even asked you why had you thought of such thing .

Your answer was that you weren't sure maybe because you missed him

Yeah that has to be it...

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