👾🌺8 Bit x shy fem reader 🌺👾

550 6 2

Requested by TheSleepyCat13

The arcade,a place where all gamer dreams come true ,it has all type of games a person would think of.

Mostly you go there to play to chill and have some fun .You know the place entirely because you visit a lot .

At first you were just seeing brock or rico roaming around but as the time goes by someone had joined thier group .

His name was 8 bit and had the looks of an arcade machine unlike his buddies he always seemed to distant himself from everyone including his friends.

Your chances interacting with him was very slim ,mostly because he didn't want to have anything to do with anybody.

Or at least that what it seemed at first .

After time you hear about a new game dropping and you were eager to try it ,you head to the arcade in hopes you get to try it.

You made your way there and ask about it when you arrived.for the first time in a while you find yourself interacting with the brawlers there mostly you find it hard because you were always too shy to freely talk with those around you .

At that day it was only brock and 8bit there , brock had tried to talk to you but it didn't result in much ,to your suprise that's when he decided to let 8 bit handle it .

At first he seemed to be a bit cold still he did what he has to do ,you sometimes wonder why is he like this , he probably has his own reasons but it really is making you curious.

You think about talking to him but it's a bit too early...you just seen him and he might get angry.

You had the idea if asking the other arcade members but it wasn't really any of help to you .

You had tried to talk with him every time you visit the arcade, at first he doesn't respond much , but after a long time he finally starts talking with you .

He wasn't so bad after all ,after you got to know him he was really great actually it happened that all his needed was someone to talk to and have them by his side .

Eventually you two start getting along he'd tell you about himself and so you did.he started getting used to having you around.

He would always invite you to tag along and play together you'd always play together and try beat challenges in game together.

As the time goes by you started to trust each other more and your friendship was growing you even started to go out together.

You two were really happy together after finding out that your characteristics were about the same , you both were shy and can deal with just few people at a time .

Sometimes when youd go out together you'd feel so shy the first time he tried to hold your hand the situation made you feel so awkward that you kept blushing for a while he had tried to comfort you but it really didn't do much more than making you blush more seeing that he cares about you.

There was a time where you was with him at the arcade you were watching some shows together when you had to leave but you stopped when you opened the door it was raining heavily.

You were to get out but something held you by the hand it was 8bit .

" im just worried its wont be safe out there " said 8 bit .

"Why thought?" You asked him.

"Its just that the rain is so strong im afraid it might flood and you'll get hurt "

"i mean if you want of course ...you can do what you want too..." He continued.

you look outside and then back to him ,it is indeed raining heavily outside might even flood too,yeah you can try take a run for it trying to get back to your house but you get soaked trying to .

besides even if you did he still would be worried sick for you .so for now staying is your best option to go with, besides it would be an opportunity to stay with him its not like you're total strangers anymore .

And mostly because you couldn't say no to him after everything you've been through.

you turn back to him and tell him that you decided to stay ,his face lights up again hearing your words .

You stay together watching tv shows waiting for the storm to pass although thunder kept on interrupting every now and then but you two didn't let it get to you since you had eachother.

As days pass you knew that his birthday was near and you started to think about making something for him .

you drown in your thoughts thinking what to get him, regardless it might be hard to think of something he always wanted.maybe a game? nah,he probably has every game he ever saw or heard about . maybe something handmade like knitting something for him . still there were a lot of things to pick from . maybe a plush or mittens or a sweater or maybe a scarf since winter was coming .
Also a cake for him.

You started to doze off that is until you were interrupted.

"whats the matter ?" he asked .

"nothing "

" really ?" he said with tone seemingly to already know that theres something concerning you .

"Hmm, you know you can tell me anything right?"the brawler continued placing a hand on your shoulder.

" i would but ... its a suprise " you answered .

"Ohhh okay i see , but please don't exausht yourself too much okay ?"he said .

"Okay! ".

After the preparations were done you had surprised him with what did,at first he was both surprised and shocked.
Still he had thanked you for what you did. After placing the cake infront of him You put on a party hat making a funny face and ask

"So... how do i look "

"You look silly.... but also cute..." he teased .

Later you give him your gift, at first 8bit had been still holding onto it tightly, when he opened it it was a (f/c) scarf that you made for him .

You had explained that you weren't sure what he would want but you tried , he was still thankful for the gift .

You could almost swear you could've seen his screen display his face crying, you hug him and tell him its alright

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