🎸Poco x fem!artist Reader

378 6 3

Requested by KarexisBarone

The fact that i accidentally relased this while its wasn't finished yet
Lol, yet again sorry about the delay
Releasing the crow one soon

You always knew poco. him out of all the brawlers was quiet different to you .

He was kind , and cared for others always! Not just because he's a healer in battle but also always had your back either in battle or not .

You usually attend mostly all of them since you like his music, the way he plays .

It felt soothing to you.

You would stay there on a corner of your choice, and focus on your sketch book , drawing.

The way you two met was on one of his performances .

Not all the brawlers happen to drop by to listen in . So its always quite.

It never bothered him ,he was happy to play to anyone who was there .

At first he didn't really notice, since he was used to the same faces around him.

But Once on a faithful evening at while he was playing on his guitar he happened to look up

That's when he saw you ...

From his view you were sitting alone concentrated on the book you had , he didn't really know why but as if something made him eager to know your story.

It Started with a little conversation ,he was to talk to you first.

It might've took a while for you to actually warm up to each other since you didn't really interact with anyone there.

Still,He had gotten used on always seeing you there he'd smile to you every time he saw you.

At first you weren't so sure but you decided that it won't hurt to try .

He doesn't look so bad ...

And thus on day by day you became friends.

Youd always talk to him after when he's is done and share some stories before you part ways back home .

You always liked each other's company .


You made your way to barley's,the place where he usually plays thinking happily of what song poco will play today.

As you go in you noticed that he was already playing.
You hoped that you weren't so late .

And like the usual you sit on a spot if your choice and began to draw .

Some minutes pass by and you continue to draw .That's when a voice interrupted you .

"Evening y/n" he started.

His voice catches you off guard,you raise your head to it .

And there he was ... standing in front of you .

"Oh... hello...". You responded .

"You look lonely, mind if i tag along?".he asked.

"Nah, actually id love to".you respond

"So, how's things going ? Or just the usual?" You ask .

"Oh you know me,just the usual sometimes id brawl, others im just here performing or just hanging out with primo or amber you ?" poco replies .

"Well nothing much , im just drawing mostly you see..."

"So uh y/n... I have a question for you ?"

" you always come a lot to my performances alone is everything alright?"

"Well of course! Everything is fine !".

"Besides no one says you don't play well eh?"

"And also because like your music....and it relaxes me while i draw .... " you responded justifying yourself.

"Ah well ...thanks "

" hey speaking of drawing do you want to see my drawings?" You offered.

For a reason you felt comfortable enough sharing it with poco, knowing he wont either judge or make fun of you.

And he accepted.

As you browse through your sketch book showing him your work you explain with excitement about each drawing and It's details.

He compliments your work and you thank him .

You were to continue but you realized its getting late and you had to go home.

Poco offers to accompany you on your way .

You start to walk together and on the way he asks he if would attend the shows for next .

His trio would be performing both primo amber and him

Each of the three will have a show of their own

Sometimes he'd drag you along to hang out with him and his friends.

Betweens amber almost burning everything to the ground and el primo constant challenges you only handle so much .

Sometimes poco has to come in between to prevent you from getting involved.

Not because hes being rude but he definitely didn't want you hurt from the fire by amber or have bruises or anything bad from a match with primo .

But other than that things were just fine .

Once when you were hanging out with poco he asked if you can do something for him .

He had a request for you , if you could draw him.

You thought for a bit at first but agreed anyway.

You start sketching and putting every detail.

After some time you were finally done.and showed it to him. He looks at it for a bit and then finally talks

"Hmm it is missing something though"

"Huh ? But... What?"

You were confused . Although you made sure to not miss any details.

" your signature silly "He said smiling at you.

"Oh .. oh! Of course!" You replied.

His words caught you off guard , you blushed a bit at the statement but smiled and agreed to it anyway.

𝓑𝓡𝓐𝓦𝓛 𝓢𝓣𝓐𝓡𝓢 𝓧 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓𝓔𝓡 Where stories live. Discover now