Sandy x insom! reader

808 17 6

Requested by Thatonekpopchick

Being busy with work was always horrible either you work yourself to the death or simply it gets interrupted mid way because it not "too perfect"

Either way it goes it still makes you work yourself off to a breaking point it was horrible.

Your sleep schedule was ruined and it was shortly after your health went downfall too .

You were too tired all the time ,this never ending cycle was making you sick literally .You did take a few days off work to try an recover probably get some rest and recover a bit.

In a day You decided to go to barley's
On your way to you saw sandy .

There he was laying down on the ground leaning his head on a tree sleeping.

You've been friends with sandy for a while unlike everyone else hes always been nice to you .

Sometimes you consider sharing your condition with him since you believe he'll definitely lend a hand to help,yet you feel afraid.

But regardless of this you did build up the courage and go to talk to him anyways.

You approached him carefully trying not to startle him. He looked so peaceful although he was sleeping in public .

You poked him on the cheek gently,it was enough to get his attention. He opened his eyes looking at you .

"Hi sandy " you started


"Oh ...hello y/n.. what are you doing here?" Sandy questioned as he yawned while stretching his arms .

"Nothing special i was just going to the shop to grab something and uh... That's when i saw you ..."

" I wanted to ask if you maybe... want to join me probably for a walk after?" Offred y/n.

"Okay.. its not like i got anything to do anyways." he said .

The two continue thier way to barley's,the moment they go inside y/n looks around for a table to be seated.

Y/n ordres a (f/d) for themselves and asks sandy again if he wanted anything,he says hes good as he layed his head on the table probably sleeping again soon still looking at you shortly after barley arrives with y/n drink .

"You look tired " he started.

"Yeah just a little though. That's why i needed myself something."

"The bags under your eyes says otherwise,is something wrong?" Sandy questiones.

"Its nothing to be considered a big deal speaking of them yours seem of a problem"you said as you took a sip of your drink.

"Eh i always been this way since i arrived here whats up with you"

"Work.." you replied.

"gee it must be worse than brawling if it turned you this way ". He commented.

"Not really just got myself overworked "you replied taking another sip of the drink.

"So , what did you wanna talk about?" Asked sandy .

"Okay hear me out but don't laugh alright ?"

He raised his head from the table listening to your next words.

"i have this thing where i can't sleep " started y/n.

"You can't...sleep ?" sandy asked confused.

"Y-yeah exactly,i know it sounds wierd but i really cant take it anymore ".

"The fact that you say it this way makes it sound horrific "

"Have you consulted a doctor about your situation?" He said



"Well like i said before its not a big deal "

"It is y/n"

"No it isn't I'm not paying hundreds of bucks just so the doc says you got to sleep more " you said with a huff turning your head to the side your eye spots a nearby energy drink machine.

"I think i have an idea "

Sandy noticed it , already knewing what you were up to .

"I wouldn't recommend that..."he said

Meanwhile you had already got an energy drink from the machine.

"Why not its just an energy drink" you questioned already with a drink in hand.

As you approach the bottle to your mouth about to take a sip a strong smell pierced to your nose.

"Eugh, it definitely has a horrid strong smell too"

"Nevermind...i- i take that back ...". You continued.

"I told you" said sandy.

"Sheesh what is this thing made of poison?"

"Probably, or maybe something else ... I don't know you might want to ask max " the brawler suggested.

"Eh even if i did what am i supposed to do with such Intel build a case against it ?" You asked

"If you want to "

"Maybe,if I was a greedy drink company for competition but no " Y/n continues.

"How have you come be so calm about everything,like literally everything that happens to you on a daily basis especially as a brawler because this is seriously stressing me out".

He stopped for a while.

"hm, that's a good question being always sleepy i guess probably missed a thing or two ". He replied

"Well what about me then ? You don't seem to be sleepy whenever you be around me" asked y/n.

"Well, that one's a secret " he replied.

"Still i need to ask you something" started sandy .

"Hm ..?"

"Why have you decided to ask me it because i sleep much?" He said his fists clenching .

"N-no ..."

"Then why ! " He yelled q bit fustrated.

"I ... "

" I thought i would be comfortable sharing this with you but ..."

"Guess not... Sorry for waisting your time ..." You said as you stood from the table leaving the place.

"...y/n i... W-wait ".

He ran after you trying to catch up to you.when the distance was short enough he held you by the shoulders.

"Im sorry y/n...i didnt mean to .."

"..." You didn't respond.

"Look ...i don't care what happens in that so called work ,all i want you to know is that I'll be there with you ,i will be there for you !"

His eyes were wide open all focused on you his tone indicated he was dead serious

" Just ... Don't be afraid to ask me for help again okay ?" . His expression softens when he said this .

He hugged you tightly
You can feel a slight tint if blushing as he hugged you, his embrace felt warm .

To you it felt really comforting , he continued the hug a while longer patting your back gently

You had stood there for a bit it didn't take longer fir you till you hugged back.

"Thank you sandy ... Really"

Not knowing what to do next you didn't decide to think of it much .but actually you were just shy of sandy regardless of your condition he was going to be always there for you .

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