poco x male reader

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i will be posting more today so please look forward to it . Also requests are going to be open again so if you want to request feel free to.

Requested by Keibo360

You like music , you always fantasise about yourself playing an instremunt like a pro . althoug starrpark had little on such things as entertqiment for the brawlers . well... it did hqd some shows at the mexican trio . because who wouldnt wanna see how much mess amber will cause in .25 seconds .

but that had never prevented them from finding things for thier own enjoyment .its just everyone has it thier own way.

the same goes for you as well ,since you knew who to go to there one and only poco. if theres anyone talented enough you trust its poco . since he always plays at barleys has his own show , he was even in a band . the little guy was very friendly and kind its surely he'd lend a hand if you just ask . you messaged him asking if he can help you with something , and he agreed to help you .

you made your way to the place he lives in , after y/n had arrived poco greeted him warmly.Shortly after he started talking to you.

"So Y/n what was it you needed help with ?" he asked .

" oh yeah , i wanted to ask if you can help me learn to play on the guitar ? " you answered . 

" oh, thats easy !" he exclaimed.

" just memorize the cords , the rest is a breeze"

"Well at least you make it sound easy " responded y/n.

"Is it I'm telling you! , do you want to  practice now?" Asked poco.

"Yes , i would like to .Wich ones are we gonna teach me ?" you replied

"Well there's a lot for sure that's what i can say but there's only a few you should learn and focus on " . He answered.

Although you thought you might've made lots of mistakes but poco stayed calm as he continued on showing you how to play each one making sure you mimic his moves correctly .

After sometime he apologized as he had to go for a brawl match accompanying primo and amber promising to come back to you again at some point later and plan for future times that you could meet up and continue the lessons.

As the time goes by you started getting used to him even enjoying his company.
Its when you finally realized you took liking into the little musician .

Quiet more than liking actually...

You weren't sure if it was the right time to tell him or what his reaction would be
Still you gathered your courage and after some thinking you had an idea of what to do .

You though maybe you can write a song for him expressing your feelings for him although you still hesitate about it but your mind was set on doing it and there's no turning back .

After everything was ready you messaged poco to meet you for that you have something to tell him . He agreed and did go to the place you agreed to. Upon seeing you he asked what was the occasion.

You started by saying that there's something important you need to tell him , something that you realized on these recent times you spent with him .

As you spoke with him your heart beated fast , you stumble on your words nevertheless you still tried your best to hide your shyness and told him to promise you not to laugh or make fun of you .

You started going on with your song as you tried to play on your guitar as well expressing how you felt about him .

After you were done he just stared at you speechless, the brawler has looked at you for a little while shocked. It was shortly after he talked again.

"Is ... Is this really how you..." He said blushing a bit .

"Yes . Please don't question it ive already tried my best to not collapse mid action" replied y/n.

"Haha, i understand if it was me who did so i totally wouldn't stand a minute im not that brave , unlike you." continued poco .

" so you do feel the same ?!" You gasped dramatically.

" well yes but you already beat me to it heh ..." He chuckled.

"Ah chucks, its not like im  that brave  out of a suddeen but im glad I did".

The two stayed there quietly staring into the area around them . shortly after the silence was cut .

"So uh... You got anything to do lately?" You asked .

"Maybe a few brawl matches why?" He replied.

"Nothing important, just wanted to ask if You wanna go grab something or go out sometime?" You offered.

" oh yeah of course! I would love to actually ".

"I also have a question for you " started y/n.

"Yes? "

" so uh.. after performing your show or concert you ever get that feeling like smashing your guitar on the ground?" You asked .

"What? That'd be horrible. no i wouldn't do that to my guitar ..." he paused for a bit .

" this bad boi been with me for a long long time ". He said as he lightly stroke his guitar proudly .

"It is i had performed so many concerts with it all around starrpark ". The brawler continued.


"I see it must be of value to you".

"Well in that case ... Come on we don't have time to waste"

"Where are you going ?" The guitarist

"To train more on the guitar silly ! I still want to be the best at it " You said turning back to him .

"O -of course i do , just give me a second here " he said hurriedly picking up his guitar trying to catch up to you .

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