siblings -Gus x reader

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Just like Byron's But here it goes more of siblings .In this story you're gus's older sibling
Just to avoid any further confusion.
-happy reading.

Requested by EnsaladitaDeFrutas

stuck with your work had you nothing but pointless busy tasks all the never get the time for yourself,as soon you return home all you are is exhausted .

It would sound bad ,but it all fades away when you get home .And get to see your little brother .
Gus would be so excited to see you
When you're not home,he misses you like a lot alot .

He'd always welcome you warmly but at some point you noticed he became upset .and you were eager to ask what's wrong .

"Gus,is everything okay buddy ? " you asked .

"yeah, i think ..." His voice sounded down.

Usually when you get home he shows you drawings he made or he's just watching tv .but this time was non like any other.and you has to ask once again .

"What do you do when im not home ?" you added .

"I do what i do everyday , wait for you to comeback" he answered .

"Its just that i miss you y/n i want you to stay with me more " gus said
His tone showing his sadness.

hearing this made your heart shatter.You kneeled down ro him and gave him a hug

"Im so sorry gus ,im sorry if you ever felt alone because i can't be here more with you " you started

" Its okay " said gus while he hugged back .

you started to think about bringing him along with you next time but that's not good for him and its boring either way . Or you can take a break and spend sometime together. ...

Yeah , that sounds even better

"Hey! how about we go out tomorrow ? Maybe we can go to your favorite places to play ? "

" Really " he gasped.

"Yeah , of course " you responded.

Suddenly he reached his hand to you

"Pinky promise"

The action made you giggle a bit but you agreed anyway.


You decided to take a break from work next week .but ...

You got a call requesting of you to get back to your post , you already knew this messed everything up and it might -

You were stopped mid-action when you felt something tug on your hand.

"But you promised" Gus spoke

You looked back at him ,his eyes watery .

"Pleeeaaase ?" Gus insisted as he held onto on your hand .

"... ... "

You gestured for him to wait a bit .
You let a sigh , after all what type of person would break a promise to thier little sibling. Even if that happened there's no way you'd let it skiddadle just like that , not today.

"Im sorry but i can't make it " you responded to the other side on the phone and hung up.

You looked back at gus " alright now where were we ,oh yeah lets go !"

"Yes!!"the little kid beamed joyfully

He was really happy to spend sometime with you since your time is 90% work, seeing him this way made you both feeling upset and glad .

"I should take more breaks ofen ,for him .." you thought.

you took him to an amusement park you know / (favorite place)
To play .
The two played on for hours, enjoying everybit of thier time ,later on took a walk around
Munching on some cotton candy you got for him .

When he suddenly saw a balloon corner .It also makes animal balloons . the kid gasped,wide eyes
As soon as he saw the balloon stall he immediately ran to it , jumping in his place as he arrived .

"Can i get one y/n, please please" the kid spoke giving you puppy eyes .You tilted your head at him as you examined his expression . And nodded .

" Dont see why not "

picking a blue colored balloon and
a yellow dog-shaped ballon
For him , he loved it.

"I will name you spooky " he chirped hugging it happily as he held it.

"Be careful,or it'll blow"

"Oh right " said gus .

He suddenly took a run

" Catch me if you can " he yelled as the distance started to longen , flying his balloons

"Hey no- don't wander off , come back " you said quickly reaching to him . And he's still running...
But you caught up to him.

Maybe you'd have to carry him back home when he gets tired.
But for now it doesn't matter as long as he's happy.

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