Welcome to 51...

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"Severide!" Battalion Chief Boden spotted his Squad Lieutenant and yelled out to get his attention.

Kelly spun around and changed direction to head towards Boden's office.

" Chief? " He was standing in the doorway, one brow raised inquisitively.

Boden fixed him with one of his more steely stares which had Severide instantly on edge. What had he done now?!

"Stella Kidd. " The chief began.

The look on Severide's face was guilty enough for no further conversation to be needed. Boden glared at his Lieutenant, his mouth set in disapproving lines.

"Out of bounds. "

Kelly opened his mouth to protest his innocence but the chief cut him off, repeating.

" Out of bounds."

Kelly nodded sheepishly, turning round and left the office, catching Kiley's amused expression as he left. He gave her a wink, and she shook her head at him, already knowing that Boden's order would most likely be ignored. Kelly Severide didn't know the word "no" when it came to the matters of his heart.

Casey was in his quarters completing more paperwork. This was the worst thing about being an officer. The paperwork. There was a knock on the door and he turned his head over his shoulder.

" What's up?"

Severide was standing in the doorway.

"You met Kidd yet?"

Casey swung his chair round and leant back to give Severide his full attention.

"I haven't. She's with Foster and Brett. They hijacked her before I got to her. They're bringing her to see me next. "

His eyes narrowed. Severide looked like he had a situation.

"Why are you asking? I know you showed her around.... problem?"

Kelly shook his head stepping into the office chucking a surreptitious glance over his shoulder to make sure no one was within earshot. Specifically Chief Boden.

" Kidd's the girl from Tony's rooftop bar the other week."

Casey was a bit bemused. " Which girl?" And then choked. "Not one of the two you went home with?!"

Kelly was laughing shaking his head. True, he had gone home with two girls from the bar that night and it had err.....been quite a night! But that wasn't the problem here.

"No....not either of them..." closing the door, he lowered his voice.

"The one I followed to the rest rooms."

Casey was perplexed momentarily.... but then recollection slowly dawned.

" The one who didn't fall for the famous Severide charm.....?"

Severide rolled his eyes.

"She was with someone!....." That was his excuse and he was sticking to it.

Casey threw his head back cursing up at the ceiling. "Oh fuck! I take it she remembers you?"

"Yep." Severide nodded

"Was it all good?" Casey asked hopefully. He really didn't need trouble with the new recruit before she even started!

"Yeah... She was cool. I introduced her to 81 and 51 and she met Squad." Severide assured him. But he didn't tell him that they had all recognised her from Tony's bar so she had barely been able to look at him during his short tour of the station.
He also didn't tell Casey that he hadn't been able to tear his eyes off her when he thought she wasn't looking and that seeing her in a firefighters uniform which wasnt the most sexiest female attire had done nothing to crank down the heat he felt around her which was not going to help with trying to keep his dick in his pants!

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