Alpha Male

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Stella moves in with Kelly for a short time. It gives them the opportunity to get to know each other a little better.... exceot Kelly has got quite a kot to share with her about himself......


She still wasn't sure about staying at Kelly's loft but he had been resolute refusing to give in to her arguments.

"Until they find out who is doing this. I don't want you to be here alone in case Fletcher or one of his crew turns up again. It's either that or I stay here.... your choice."

They were having a stand off and not one Stella felt she was going to win so she had packed a few things into a bag.

Kelly phoned Upstead to let him know about Fletcher the missing recruit class photograph and that Stella was staying at the loft.

He opened his refrigerator. "Beer?"

Stella nodded gratefully. She was standing in the middle of his loft, fidgeting.

Sensing her nervousness Kelly sought to put her at her ease.

"Sit down. Make yourself at's not as if you haven't been here before...."
He was teasing, of course, his blue eyes crinkling at the corners.

It worked. Stella rolled her eyes at him and sat down on the couch.

"Was Fletcher like that all the time with you in Auburn?"

Kelly sat down next to her handing her a beer.

"Not as psychotic as today, no. But he was always bitching about me or doing stuff to catch me out. My gear would go missing or assistance on call for me would take longer than it should. He just couldn't move with the times." Stella sighed. "Then Auburn got shut down and I got moved to 51 instead of him so he's pissed about that too."

Anger coursed through Kelly imagining how hard it would have been for her every day but also amazement at how she had made it through. It made him ashamed of how he had dealt with adversity in his own life.

"Will you tell me about Shay?"

They had had more beer watching the Black Hawks reruns from last season and the alcohol had lifted Stella's inhibitors about this subject. She was ready for his refusal but maybe it was the mad day today had been and her reflecting on her own past that made her brave.

Kelly stilled momentarily and then nodded.

"What would you like to know?"

"Whatever you want to tell me."

Stella held his eyes knowing this may spoil the chilled atmosphere between them but what the hell, she had opened her mouth and asked him now.

Kelly admired her for actually asking. Most people sidestepped the subject of Shay like she never existed. Stella swung her legs onto the couch and over his thighs, relieved when he automatically adjusted the way he was sitting so her legs lay comfortably on him, his hands resting on her.

"Shay was a female version of me. No she was a better version of me." He corrected. "Except she wore her heart on her sleeve. Larger than life. We lived together, and worked together. Had each other's backs.... always...... " His face softened with a smile, "and she kicked my ass when I needed it....."

Stella couldn't fail but be moved by the depth of feeling behind his words.

"You loved her." It wasn't a question.

"As my friend, or family. Not as a lover. "

"But you agreed to have a baby together?"

A shadow passed over Kelly's face.

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