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Finally the start of the trial...but Stella has more to contend with than her nemesis Starmer.


"Do I look o.k?" Stella was in her dress uniform smoothing down her jacket as she came out out of the bedroom, her face uncertain.
Every part of her was immaculate, her cap tucked under one arm, the hand of the other one now moving up to unnecessarily check her tie. Her bravado from the previous days had all but deserted her and this was suddenly all too real.

Kelly came to stand in front of her, dropping his head slightly to one side, his eyes holding hers.

"What do you think?" They both knew it was a rhetorical question.

A little grateful smile broke on her lips and she reached out and stroked his cheek. "Thank you." Her gratitude was for so much more than his validation of her appearance.

Leaning in Kelly rested his chin on the top of her head, his own eyes staring ahead with a nervousness he didnt want her to see. According to Hailey the defence had depositions that would be hard on Stella and he wasnt sure how able Stella was to withstand the intense scrutiny on the stand.

Holding her tightly he whispered in her ear.

You've got this..............and I've got you."


Kelly decided that taking a cab to the court was a better option than driving because he didnt want Stella having to walk to the court building from a parking lot especially as they had been prewarned to expect a few reporters and local t.v trucks. A female firefighter kidnapped by a colleague seeking revenge had all the ingredients of a salacious story which had captured the interest of the Chicago media although the Chief Commisioner had steadfastly refused interviews or access to anyone at 51. Now as they weaved through the morning traffic towards the courthouse the knowledge of the waiting media had Stella almost as unnerved as the prospect of what was going to be waiting for her inside the court room.

Kelly held her hand in the cab, his thumb rhythmically stroking the top of hers, both of them pensively quiet, her stomach intermittently churning and somersaulting, his head already starting to throb at his own impotency in being to help her in there.
As the cab came to a stop outside the County Cook court, Stella's intake of breath was audible as half a dozen reporters rushed forward in a melee.

"Hey...they for you?!" the cab driver turned around to look at them with a sudden new interest.

Kellys face creased and turned thunderous, fingers tightening around Stella's hand, automatically angling his body to protect her from the cameras.

"Stay close to me." He ordered as he pushed the door open hoping the force with which the door swung open would move the reporters out of the way.

Stella did as Kelly asked, her heart thundering in her ears, as she climbed out of the cab close behind him.
She heard her name being called out by several voices crowding towards her but Kelly had a tight grip on her hand with her almost glued behind him.
Suddenly a familiar voice boomed from somewhere around her and somehow, the blue of station gear uniforms surrounded her like a human shield. Chief Boden and Shift two stepped in front of the thronging reporters shouldering them out of the way and escorted Stella into the building keeping the media at bay.

Inside they were met by the defence team, quickly ushering them up the stairs and away from the chasing crowd. Stella's hands were clammy, her face pale, forcing down the bile that threatened.

"Sorry about that Stella. Sadly we can't do anything about them. But looks like your firehouse friends managed to keep them at bay."
The state attorney Conrad Butler was in his late forties, balding with a serious looking face. Adjusting his glasses, he centred his attention on Stella, holding out his hand in greeting, his smile reassuring. Stella had met him before for her witness statements and had instantly warmed to him and Hailey had told her he was one of the best the State had.

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