Whatever You Wanted.

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Stella has a panic and needs to find out what's going on with her.

But she underestimated  Kelly's feelings so has some explaining to do....


Thirty-one days. That's how long since her last period. Three days over so it really was no drama? Was it? That's what she was thinking avoiding his eyes when he handed her the damp washcloth. It had been the nineteenth of November, she recalled that clearly because she had driven Kelly for his check-up at med. Besides her cycle was always slightly irregular, a day or two out.

Wiping her mouth with the damp cloth she willed her heart to stop banging so loudly in her ears.

"You o.k?"

"Yeah... I think so." She didn't quite meet his eyes, busying herself with cleaning her face.
Oh god, she couldn't possibly tell him what she was thinking. How would she ever explain it?! She was on birth control of course but she also knew the days she had missed taking it during his injury.  Missing two days was unlikely to disrupt her hormones..... as long as she used backup measures for seven days, just in case. But stupidly she had taken the odds risk. On the night they had come back from the whirly ball. Things had got a little heated. Quickly. This would be one hell of a surprise Christmas gift she was thinking as she followed him out of the bathroom, her head working on a plan on how quickly she could get a pregnancy test tomorrow.

Of course, she didn't sleep all night, lying staring at the ceiling. She still felt slightly queasy but hadn't thrown up again. Common sense told her that this was a result of the stress, not eating properly and the long days in the courtroom but that little voice kept nagging her. What if? The answer to that was that it scared her senseless. Yeah, she wanted kids one day she guessed. It wasn't something she thought that hard about, especially with her growing up but it was there on her wish list. But she couldn't help but imagine being a mom to his kid. And it gave her heart a flip that was not scary at all. Turning to her side she looked at Kelly. He was fast asleep, lying on his stomach, his face half buried in the pillow. Stella felt a rush of love, reaching out and gently touching his hair. Did he even ever want to be a father? He was so scarred by his own childhood that she wondered if he ever would. She thought for a small second when he handed her some tea that she had seen a question in his eyes, hesitating it seemed, about to say something but changed his mind and Stella wasn't brave enough today to ask him in case it was the same thing that was on her mind.

It was fortuitous for Stella that Casey called Kelly in the morning to ask him to help him with a problem with his car.

"You sure you're o.k? I can tell Casey, I can't go over there." " Kelly was hovering around her, uncertain about leaving her but Stella more or less ushered him out of the door.

"No! I'm absolutely fine. Stop worrying!" Stella was frowning in mock exasperation. "Go help your friend!"

At least she hadn't been sick again and she didn't feel nauseous either although the first thing Stella had done this morning was check if there was any sign of her period. She had taken a sharp breath when there hadn't, her throat going a little dry.

As soon as Kelly had left, she gave it a few minutes and then grabbed her purse and was at the nearest drugstore within five minutes and back home with the test within fifteen.
Rushing into the bathroom, she unwrapped the box clumsily, trying to read the instructions at the same time. This was only the second time she had ever had to do a test, the last time she was nineteen when she was with Grant.

Who knew three minutes could take this long? Agitated with butterflies somersaulting around her stomach, Stella willed the timer on her cell to go faster, each second an eternity.
As soon as the timer hit three minutes she grabbed the stick and stared at it for a long moment. One line. Definitely just one line. However,   the relief wasn't as instant or as euphoric as she had expected. Why did her heart drop just a tiny bit?

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