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The house to house canvassing had revealed no clues. All that was really known was that Kidd was last seen with another firefighter. But no one could believe how a firefighter from another house could have been on the scene without anyone from 51 having come across them. Squad had covered off the back of the theatre and engine had been at the front so where had this elusive person come from and had the theatre manager even gotten it right that there had been someone else there?

Severide, Casey and Boden hadn't slept. They were in Voights intelligence unit office with his team. Empty coffee cups littered the desks, half eaten take outs thrown in the waste baskets. The usually immaculately pressed Boden's shirt was creased and hanging out of his pants. Equally Casey and Severide were also dishevelled and sleep deprived. Voight and his team had tried to encourage them to go home and rest but all three had refused. Headquarters had backfilled them with floaters for the next few shifts at 51 so all their energies were focused on finding Kidd.

Voight's cell rang. His forehead creased with irritation as he listened, getting up from his desk.
"Its fine Trudy. Bring him up....but warn him to behave. If he causes any problems I"ll put him through the window."

Everyone turned to stare at the Sergeant.

"The school friend Tyler is here making some noise." He looked pointedly at Severide. "Sounds like he thinks you're good for this."

Severide's face remained impassive, the only giveaway of his displeasure, the sparks in his blue eyes.
Seconds later Trudy came in followed by an impatient Tyler. When he saw Severide he frowned, looking around at all the pairs of eyes trained on him.

"Fuck this shit! Looks like you're taking this really seriously with that bitch sitting here!" Tyler stepped towards Severide who started to rise.

Attwater stepped in front of Tyler.

"No man... " Attwater's face said he was not going to brook any argument.
Tyler gave him a look of disdain, suggesting that somehow they should be on the same side.

"You sold out bro?" He sneered.

"Shut the fuck up and sit down." Voight came over and stood by Tyler.
"We have a firefighter missing and every minute she's missing makes me madder. So right now I've got no time for your fucking bullshit. Tell me why you are here."

Tyler glared at Voight before turning to Severide.
"Why don't you ask him?!"

Tyler stepped forward, Severide stood up and Attwater and Ruzek both pulled the men back before punches could be thrown.

"Or how about we ask you?!" Severide threw back.

"I've known Stella since we were kids.. I would never hurt her.." Tyler struggled trying to get away from Attwater unsuccessfully.

"And you're also in love with her." Severide accused.

Tyler took a deep intake of breath but didn't deny it. Severide almost felt sorry for him.

"All those years of being in love with someone who only sees you as a friend. Watching her marry a loser and even then after she left him she still didnt turn to you, instead she reinvented herself as an independent woman with a successful career in a new city. It must be cutting your insides up something rotten."

"Being in love with someone isnt a crime !" Tyler spat out.

" No....it's not...." Severide agreed with a level look that had Tyler's eyes narrowing in comprehension.

The two men guauged each other like they had in that first moment they had met at Molly's. They were on opposite sides with Stella stood between them.


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