All My Broken Pieces

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The prosecution and defence make their closing statements...which way will the jury decide?

Stella and Kelly find some 'them time' at home...

And there's some sombre news for Stella.


Stella was hanging up her blues Jacket in the closet when she felt familiar arms go around her and pull her gently back into the solid wall of a chest.
Smiling she put her hands on Kelly's forearms her head turning to one side so that she could snuggle her face into him.

"Mmm.... what's this for?" She murmured, feeling the steady beat of his heart under her cheek.
There was something incredibly reassuring about hearing the rhythmic beat in her ear. A sense of security that she couldn't explain.

"Do you know how proud of you I was today?" He asked softly, surprising her with the quiet sincerity threading his words.
Stella lifted her head and her heart tripped. Kelly had this way of looking at her that made the world recede and only he exist for her. How could she even begin to ever doubt his love for her when he looked at her like this?

"Yeah?" her eyes were melting like pots of chocolate.

"Yeah. You could have ignored Paige. Let's face it she's been nothing but a bitch to you. But you pushed all that aside to rescue her."

He turned her around in the circle of his arms as she shrugged.

"Isn't that what we do? Feelings don't ever come into it."

Kelly grinned at her. "Spoken like a true firefighter." He brushed her lips with his.

"By the way. You looked hot doing a rescue in your dress blues. Your ass kept distracting me."

Stella laughed. "You're so bad! To be honest for a minute there I didn't think that Paige was gonna let me rescue her ....sounded like she wanted her knight in shining armor to come to get her." She nipped at his bottom lip with her teeth in playful admonishment.

"There's only one girl whose Knight in shining armor I wanna be..... and it's not Paige Blake."

Stella pulled his head down to hers, letting out a soft moan as he in turn nibbled at her lips and as they parted slightly, his tongue slipped inside. God, it took zero seconds for a zip line of fire to trail down from her mouth right down to between her legs. It had never been like this with Grant even when she believed she loved him. Was there an invisible line where love and sex crossed over?
Kelly's hands held her against him by her ass, one leg between her thighs.
He was already hard, his breathing getting heavier, as they pressed to get closer. Stella tugged at his T and he helped her take it over his head and threw it aside reverse-walking back to the bed, fingers unbuttoning her shirt.
Falling back on the bed taking her with him, she climbed on top straddling him, her shirt hanging open, black bra taunting him with what was underneath.
Fuck! Kelly thought looking at her sitting astride him, hair in braids, dress trousers with the buttons undone and the belt loosened in silent invitation. A fantasy. His fantasy.

Stella watched the play of emotions on his face, the dilating of his pupils with heat, and the way she could see herself reflected in their depths. Brown eyes fell into blue and her teeth caught her bottom lip. His eyes followed, fixated on the way her teeth chewed the soft flesh, the tips catching one corner. Something inside him snapped then, the thin thread holding his sanity together broke, and he sat up suddenly rolling her over so she was beneath him. His fingers entwined with hers above her head, his weight pinning her down, and all his thoughts were consumed by her, this helplessness snaking through his blood and this necessity to be a part of her.

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