An Eye For An Eye

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The trial is reaching its climax...Frank Starmer takes the stand and he's not playing by his attorney's rules....

Paige Blake finds herself in an uncomfortable situation and needs Stella's help....

****Special thanks to gdehn79 for her guidance, ideas  and for brainstorming when my mind hit a blank.... ***


Frank Starmer seemed a lot smaller than when she remembered him. It seemed irrelevant but she thought it anyway. Next to her, Kelly had her hand in his, his thumb rubbing over her skin in reassurance.

"Mr Starmer, when did you first decide that you wanted to kill Miss Kidd?" Conrad went to stand in front of Frank Starmer.

"Objection " Paige's voice was more bored than frustrated.

"Sustained. Jury disregard."

"I'll rephrase." Conrad corrected. "Mr Starmer, when did you decide to kidnap Miss Kidd?"

Frank Starmer shrugged very casually. "I don't remember."

"But you recognised her from the car accident years earlier?"

"Yes. I did."

"What did you intend to do with Miss Kidd after you kidnapped her?"

"I hadn't decided."

"But you starved her and she had a broken arm and ribs when you were both found. Was that deliberate? Did you intend to harm Miss Kidd?"

Frank Starmer stared back at Conrad but did not reply.

"Mr Starmer?" Conrad prompted.

"No worse than what she did to my brother." His voice was icy in its hardness.

"So an eye for an eye?" Conrad moved to stand directly in front of the defendant.

"Yeah. Isn't that how it should work? Why should she get away with murdering my brother?!" He snarled, for the first time showing any real emotion.

Stella gasped quietly, her hand clenching inside Kelly's who looked across and squeezed her thigh with his other hand.

Conrad raised a practised brow. "But Miss Kidd didn't have anything to do with your brother's tragic death and I think you know that. Sadly your brother Mikey was a drug addict and other than Miss Kidd's school friend Tyler who hasn't had his affections returned and thus is feeling a little aggrieved, there is not a shred of evidence or testimony to suggest that Miss Kidd sold any drugs to your brother or anyone else."

Paige shot up from her seat. "Objection! Council is suggesting that Tyler Pearson has perjured himself which is a serious accusation!"

"Sustained. Mr Butler, I expect better of you. Jury disregard." Judge Klein frowned at Conrad, lines of irritation creating a route map on his forehead.

"Mr Starmer. Did you take Miss Kidd against her will and cause her bodily harm?"

There was silence. Stella's teeth were chewing her bottom lip unconsciously, her heart beating a little erratically. She could feel the pain in her arm and ribs and the dankness of that room filled her nostrils.

"Mr Starmer?"

Frank Starmer deliberately took the time to engage his eyes with Stella's. Against her will, she found herself unable to look away from those pale, cold eyes. There was contempt in them, and for Stella, everything receded and they were back in the laundry room. Nausea rolled through her stomach.

"Yeah, I guess I did." The words were concise with not a fraction of remorse. Stella heard Kelly curse under his breath, and the audience in the courtroom muttered between themselves, some shaking heads at Starmer's belligerence.

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