Turn This City Upside Down..

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Stella blinked several times to try and adjust to the darkness but it was hopeless. It was completely pitch black. She could hear the thunderous beating of her own heart inside her ears and that nauseous feeling that accompanied fear. Where was she?!

Trying to sit up she gasped in pain. Was her left arm broken? Gingerly she held it in position, taking short breaths. Did she have a cracked rib too? How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was the movie theatre and directing the people out of the building. And then a firefighter had called for help over near the exit door at the other end of the audotorium. She had been confused as she didn't recognise the voice but had gone over just as he opened the door and went through it and she had followed. Thats the last thing she remembered.

Stella heard a noise. It sounded like a scraping from somewhere. Not near by. Somewhere above her.

"Hello?...." She tried to make her voice strong but it was difficult with the darkness pressing in all around her. Stella was scared.


The movie theatre was crawling with police. Halstead, Upton, Ruzek , Burgess and Attwater were all there. Trudy had come to support Mouch who was visibly upset. And Hank Voight had just pulled up in his SUV and was heading towards where Boden, Casey and Severide were stood in a trio, each of their faces etched with various types of worry.

"So some fucking crazy has got your girl...... whose got the list of maybe's?" Voight didn't bother with pleasantries as usual. He was addressing all three of the 51 officers.

"Upton has the list." Boden replied. "My understanding is that Fletcher isn't a suspect as the camera footage from outside her apartment rules him out. "

" So I hear... but Im not going to give him a free pass. He may have some involvement."

Boden nodded. " Understood of course."

"What's her history? She's new to 51. Any red flags?" Hank Voight was as straight talking as they came and no offence was taken by his blunt questions.

"Last station closed down so she got transferred to us. No disciplinary issues. Reliable. Fitted in well." Boden told him.

" Great firefighter." Casey added. "And popular with everyone." He avoided looking at Severide then. "She's one of us." He emphasised. Casey carried the weight of all his team every minute of every day. Stella Kidd had gone missing under his watch and he wanted to yell out his rage at whoever had done this. He dared not even dwell on his best friend's head space right now.....even in the short period she had been at 51 Casey had detected something in Severide thawing. He acted a little differently around Kidd, a little light in his eyes that wasn't there before and he dreaded to think about what was going on inside him right now. But Casey knew him well enough to know he would be splintering.

" I hear you....." Voight surveyed the frantic buzzing of activity around him. If there was one thing he understood, it was the bonding between people that came from putting their lives at risk every day. "We will cut as many balls off as we need to until we get her back."

Boden held out his hand. They may not be cut from the same cloth, but he really appreciated the presence of Voight and the full weight of his intelligence unit on this.

"Thank you Hank."

Voight shook Bodens hand and then Casey's before turning away.

"Severide..walk with me." He turned away without waiting for an answer and Severide fell into step with him.

"You're sleeping with Kidd." It was a statement. "I don't need to know anything more do I?" He stopped walking and fixed Severide with his trademark stare.

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