You had me at Hello....

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Sirens broke into the Chicago as the firetrucks raced down Taylor Street. The billowing smoke was already visible pouring out of the front of the restaurant as the firefighters jumped out of the rigs.

A crowd of people assembled across the street, some of them restaurant staff. A sobbing, semi grey haired woman rushed towards the firefighters wringing her hands.

"Oh thank god!."

"Maam, what happened?" Casey was already assessing the situation.

" I don't know!" she wailed. " One minute we were serving lunch..the next I hear a " boom in the kitchen and everything just went up!" She was wringing her hands.

"Are there people still inside?"

"I'm not sure! I don't think so...." She was visibly distraught. "We had the lunch time rush, 8 out of 10 tables with diners. I'm not sure if everyone got out but we did try to make sure before the smoke got bad.... the restrooms are upstairs. Can you check?! You will case anybody...." The lady started sobbing.

"We will M'aam....," turning round he started to holler orders. "Truck 81 lets get a search team in. Gallo, Mouch take the downstairs. Kidd you're with me."

Hermann was already directing Engine 51 to start the water from the sandpipe.

The downstairs of the restaurant was full of smoke and flames billowed along the back. There didn't seem to be anyone in there but Mouch and Gallo started a search.

Running up the stairs on the left hand side Stella and Casey entered a hall.The smoke was fairly thick making visibility difficult.

Fire department she shouted. "Anyone here?!"

At first there was nothing.

"Fire department." She tried again.

"Help!!!... Help me!!.." Female screams filtered through the heavy smoke.

"Fire department where are you?!"
Stella did a 360 of the hall. There were a couple of doors immediately to her right.


There was muffled crying. "In the restroom. We're in the restroom!"

Stella carefully opened one door but it was a storage cupboard.
Casey tried the other one but it was clear inside.

Stella spotted the restroom sign a little beyond and raced towards it.

It was locked. Banging on the door she yelled.

"Fire rescue! Open the door!"
After what seemed an eternity there was a click and the door opened. A young woman holding a baby stood shaking staring at her from terrified eyes.
Behind Stella, Casey held back as she held out her hand.

"M'aam. Give me your hand and let's get you outta here."

The woman continued to shake and stared, her breathing heavy.

"M'aam. If you give me your hand I promise you we will get you out safe. Just trust me...give me your hand..please."

She was no more than twenty and looked so young and scared, her hands wrapped around her baby.

"I'm scared ." She sobbed.

Stella nodded in empathy.

" I know..but that's o.k. thats why we're here. To help you and your baby." Stella inched a bit closer not wanting to overwhelm the girl more than she already was. The sobbing woman reached out her hand and Stella grabbed it, slowly guiding her out of the room, a relieved breath escaping from her tense body.
She kept her arm around her and shielded her from further terror as they made their way down the stairs and out into the street to safety.

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