A little more respect...

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Kelly drove at breakneck speed to Stella's apartment. A police vehicle was already outside and Ruzek and Burgess were jumping out of a separate S.U.V at the same time as the Mustang pulled up. They clearly had pulled the late shift tonight.

Stella headed towards the entrance but Kelly grabbed her arm to stop her.
"No...you're not going in there."

That took Stella by surprise. "Why?! I need to get in there and face him!"

Kim Burgess stepped in front of Stella.

"Kelly's right Stella. Plus whoever this is may be armed. Its safer if you stay out here."

She gave her a reassuring smile and had it been anyone else Stella would have argued but Kim Burgess was someone she had come to really like and respect, from her visits to Molly's and the firehouse.

Kelly pulled her back to lean against him, his arms wrapping around her middle from behind, both of them watching for signs of activity in the building.

After what seemed an age Ruzek and Burgess came down and walked over to them.
Ruzek looked pissed off and shook his head.

"He's gone."

"What?!" Both Kelly and Stella exclaimed in unison.

"He was gone before patrol got here. He clearly realised he was about to get busted and ran.... we're still sweeping the building to be double sure."

Stella's face fell with dismay.
Burgess put a sympathetic hand on her arm.

"Hey Stella..We will get him. " She assured her. "The footage from the door will give us more detail. We'll send it to digital forensics for analysis. They are sure to find something that will identify him."

"Did he go into my apartment?" Stella wanted to know. Her face was pale, her eyes showing the despair of someone whose life seemed to be unravelling around her.

"No. Thankfully that video doorbell stopped him."

"Kelly's idea." She gave him the kudos and Ruzek nodded at Kelly in acknowledgement.

"Go get some sleep. We will call you with what the film turns up. We don't think he will return here..... not unless he's looking to be caught."

"I can stay in my apartment then I guess if he's not coming back." Stella turned towards Kelly.

But he was shaking his head.

"No.. not until he's caught." Kelly looked at Ruzek and Burgess for support and they both agreed.

"Just because we think he won't come back, doesnt mean he won't." Ruzek pointed out.


Late shift was a drag next day. There had only been 1 ambo call and a false alarm by 6pm. Kidd, Gallo and Mouch were on the apparatus floor checking their protective equipment. Brett and Foster were doing inventory in the ambo when Foster looked up and stiffened.

"Oh no." She stood up from her crouching position to face the firehouse entry.

Brett looked up to see what was wrong only for her forehead to crease with a frown. Fletcher and Starmer were making their way across the floor. Gallo and Mouch stood up squaring their bodies with hostility. Foster jumped down from the ambo to confront them but not before Stella stepped in front of them. Fletcher's face instantly stiffened but Starmer put his hand on his arm.

"We haven't come to make any trouble folks."

Starmer faced Stella, his voice soft. He wasn't a handsome man, slightly built, with a skin tone that could only be described as lacking lustre of any sort.

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