Queen Cat

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Hailey was apologetic that she didn't have better news for Stella, aware that the firefighter would be disappointed that there was still no news about a trial date. The assistant district attorney earlier had told her the lingering hangover from the pandemic had slowed down just about everything across the entire world including court appearances and trials.

"I'm sorry Stella, it sounds like if we are lucky it may be this side of Christmas. But that's a big if."

The two women were stood by the memorial wall at 51. Stella nodded, her face showing some of her frustration by the way her forehead had creased. She really needed this trial to be over so that she could start to move forward. In her heart of hearts she knew that as Starmer had been caught at the scene they had him bang to rights but there was this inner nervousness that maybe by some ridiculous crossing of the stars he may get off. You read about these things, an off the wall jury, a judge that might not see it the same way as everyone else. Or that because of Stella's own past that Starmer would be vindicated.

"It's o.k. Hailey. It's not your fault.... and I do understand."

Hailey gave her a smile and squeezed her shoulder which suggested she knew Stella was trying not to shoot the messenger and holding back her true feelings.

"I'll keep you updated if I hear anything more."

Stella walked her out of the firehouse as Casey and Severide were on the roof, having one of their cigar chats. Severides attention was on Stella, the way her hands were jammed into the pockets of her jacket, her head a little low as she walked across the yard.

"What brought Upton to 51?" Casey glanced across at Severide, who was surveying his girlfriend pensively.

"She was gonna update Kidd on the trial date."

"Not anytime soon by the looks of it." Casey guessed with a frown.

"She just wants it out of the way. Help her put it behind her.... you know." Severide took a drag from his cigar, leaning back into his chair when Stella disappeared back into the firehouse, watching the smoke curl into the evening air.

Casey gave Severide a sidelong glance.
Sylvie had confided in him about Severide's declaration to Stella. He had been startled, and not. His best friend had a devastatingingly desolate past with his heart. No one would have been surprised if he had locked it up and thrown away the key. In fact for a long time that's exactly what they all thought he had done, refusing to enter any relationships, indulging in bed hopping from one girl to another, oblivious or not caring about the carnage he was leaving behind him. Casey couldnt even remember the number of times a girl had turned up at 51 looking for him after Severide had left her promising to call. On occasion he hadn't even been able to remember her name. That was all until Stella.

"Copy that. She's one hell of a strong lady."

"She certainly is that." Severide agreed, nodding, staring out at the road, as if lost in thought.

"How's that going... with you and Kidd?..... she's at the loft regularly, so that can only be a good thing I'm thinking......" Casey prodded him to confess what Sylvie had already shared with him.

Severide grinned without looking at him.

"I know you know because Kidd told me she told Brett and Foster.....which follows that Brett told you!"

Casey laughed out loud.

"Well, now you just made me sound like a teenage gossipmonger! Why the fuck didnt you just tell me yourself that you're all in with Kidd?!...."

Severide looked a little embarrassed, and shrugged. "I don't know.... guess it's because with my track record of failure..."
He didn't finish his sentence and glanced at him with an expression that was half nervous, half uncertain.

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