It's the sensible thing to do....

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Dr Charles smiled and patted Stella on the hand.

"You know you can come and see me any time. The nightmares will need some work to get through to the other side."

"Thank you Dr Charles. " Stella smiled warmly. "And yes of course I will come and see you if I feel that I need to.. But I really do feel better and its only the arm that needs fixing now. "

Dr Charles had been wonderful but seeing a psychiatrist, she was a little embarrassed to admit, held some stigma for her if she wanted to prove that she was recovering well enough to return to work once her arm healed. She couldn't afford to have mental scars so she had been a little economical with the truth in her daily sessions with him. The CFD had insisted on them but Stella had held something back but unknown to her Dr Charles had done this job for too long not to be able to pick up when a patient was smiling too brightly at him and keeping a bit of themselves back. And first responders were notoriously guilty of doing that.

Dr Charles nodded and returned Stella's smile. Stella Kidd was carrying an enormous amount of baggage in addition to the traumatic kidnapping. She was a really brave young woman who had tremendous resilience but every one had a tipping point. He just hoped that Stella was able to recognise hers.

"O.k then Stella Kidd." Dr Charles said. " You are going to stay with Sylvie Brett and Emily Foster after your discharge?"

Stella nodded. "Yes thats right. They've been wonderful. The girl in their apartment was moving back West coincidentally so its worked out perfectly.. "

"Great! I would be concerned if you were going home to be alone."

"No.. I certainly won't be alone." Stella laughed.
Both girls had gone into overdrive about how they would be looking after her 24/7 when Stella had accepted their invite to stay with them for the foreseeable period as going back to the apartment on her own was not an option. Although Kelly had assumed she was going to move into the loft.

"And Kelly?" Dr Charles was aware of the Lieutenant's devoted vigil by Stella's bedside in Milwaukee and there had been a few rumours doing the rounds accompanied by winks and giggles that the Lieutenant on occassion had been doing more than just sitting by Stella's bed here at the Gaffney.

Stella looked a little discomfited at the mention of Kelly.

"I.. I just didnt want to take advantage of his generosity. Hes already done so much for me."
Stella faltered under Dr Charles steady regard.

"I can understand that. Did Kelly understand? He must have been kinda disappointed....?"

"I..I..err.. I think so. I mean that he understands not that he was disappointed." Stella blushed in embarrassment.

Dr Charles studied Stella for a long moment. " Can I ask why you arent going back to stay with him?"

Stella was caught out by the question for a few seconds.

"Like I said...Kelly's already done so much for me...." She eventually responded.

She knew that he didn't believe her.

"Trust is an an important part of your recovery process Stella. So just like you need to trust me so that I can help you, you need to learn to trust other people again too."

Stella was silent. She knew he was right. But not going home with Kelly was more to protect him than herself.
Stella couldn't just move in with him indefinitely. The way she saw it, he would be doing it out of obligation because she had been staying there before Starmer had abducted her. Yes there was something between them and she hoped that it would continue but her head had asked her what happened when the sex wasn't enough? Something Starmer had said, even though she totally hated remembering anything to do with that man, kept prodding the back of her head.

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