Everyone Deserves A Second Chance

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The Boden's house was a beautiful mid century home on a tree lined avenue in the suburbs. Stella stood outside feeling the urge to flee as she looked up at it but eventually summoned up the courage and went up the wide steps, clearing her throat and wiping her feet on the mat before she knocked.
Butterflies danced in her stomach and her mouth was dry despite remembering Kelly's insistence that Boden was a fair man and always looked after his own as long as they were honest with him.

Stella had requested to speak with the Chief but away from the firehouse which had immediately alerted his antennae for trouble. So the smile that he gave her when he opened the front door was measured and somewhat guarded.

"Come in Kidd." He ushered her inside picking up a toy fire truck from the foyer. "Terrance." He explained unnecessarily holding up the fire truck.

Stella had met the Chief's seven year old son Terence a couple of times at the firehouse. It had been surprisingly emotive seeing the normally phlegmatic Boden's face change to one of indulgence and deep love when he had scooped his son up into his arms and swung him around.

"Don't tell me he wants to be a firefighter." Stella laughed.

"You would be correct." His smile got a little wider.

Did she detect a little bit of pride in his voice?

Leading her into their kitchen, he reached for a pot of coffee his eyebrow raised in a knowing way. Stella laughed as she nodded. Even the Chief knew about her coffee addiction.

"So......it must be something pretty important and personal I am assuming for you to not want to discuss it at the firehouse."
Boden gestured to a stool at his kitchen island handing her the cup of coffee.

Stella warmed her hands on the cup as if that could give her some courage. However it still didn't stop her feeling slightly nauseous and more than a little nervous, her stomach feeling like a rock had lodged itself in it. She was silent for a long moment contemplating how to start this. How did you tell your boss that there were times she had been so high that she hadn't changed her clothes for days at a time and had often slept in squat houses.

"There's things about my past that I need to share with you that dont show me in a good light, Chief." That was an understatement she thought.

Obsidian eyes that surprisingly said little waited for her to continue so after taking a deep breath she started by filling him in with what Hailey had shared with her about Starmer's defence.

And then before she lost her nerve she continued with the less appetising part of her life the one she had done her best to leave behind her in Milwaukee many years ago.

Boden remained impassive throughout as Stella recounted the turbulence of her adolescence and the bad decisions that had colored those years. Once she had started to speak she carried on speaking without stopping, the desparate part of her brain telling her as long as she continued talking then she wouldn't have to deal with his reproval. As if that would somehow save her.

"Well.., I can't say I'm not a bit taken aback to hear all of this Kidd. I wont lie there's a part of me that's shocked to hear some of what you've shared."

Stella colored, heat running up her neck and face. Boden's respect meant everything to her.

"But.... I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance and you're someone who has clearly taken your second chance and turned your life around to become someone worthy of wearing the CFD uniform."

Boden held Stella's eyes and continued with a steadfast gaze.

"You are a wonderful firefighter and someone I am immensely proud to have in my firehouse. And if you've done that after the challenges you've faced than its an even bigger achievement than I realised."

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