Some Crazy Shit...

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Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton from P.D were in Boden's office with Stella. Severide, Casey and Boden were there too.

"The ribbon is from my prom corsage. The bracelet my ex-husband gave me in High School, the garter is from my wedding day and the ring is my wedding ring. There was plenty of other stuff they could have taken from my memoirs box so I don't understand the significance of those items. "

Severide looked at her. She had been married before .....?

"And there's been other parcels?"

Halstead was leaning back against one wall.

Stella nodded. "Yes. Two. With Underwear and adult toys in them. But those weren't my things...I mean they were purchased by the sender.." She felt she had to tell them that. "I thought it was someone playing jokes...."

"Any ideas on who might do this...even as a joke?" Hailey was sitting next to Stella and seeing her discomfit steered the topic away from lacey bras and vibrators. "Ex-boyfriend? your ex-husband? Has your building got cameras? We can check the footage to start with."
"Also if you can write down a list of recent partners."

Hailey pushed a piece of paper and a pen towards Stella. "The underwear, was it your size?" She asked in a low voice.

Stella was startled by the question. Did it matter if it were her size?

"If it's your size, it suggests it's someone who knows you."

Stella nodded in response to let Hailey know that it had been the correct size.
Her mouth was dry. Someone she knew?

"Do you want my ex-husband's name on here?"

"Yeah put him down. " Hailey was nodding. "Are you on good terms?"

"We're not on bad terms. We don't really ever speak anymore. He's in a band and tours a lot. We've both moved on I guess." Stella shrugged but wrote Grant's name down.

"Put down anyone who may have a beef with you. Anyone who has been in your apartment recently so we can rule them out. It could be someone you know. It often is."

Stella just happened to look up then and catch Severide's eye. Hastily she dropped her head back down and continued with her list.

" You might aswell start with me."

Everyone turned round.

"I've been in Stella's apartment, Severide said, still leaning against the wall.

Stella colored under Hailey's scrutiny but there was nothing judgemental from the detective.  Not daring to look in Boden's or Casey's direction, she sat fiddling with the pen in her hand, feeling like she had just been caught cheating in a test by the principal.

Boden was quiet. Despite his warnings to Severide, he had sensed the continuing undercurrents around the firehouse between his Squad Lieutenant and truck 81 firefighter, so this was no surprise. He sighed to himself. Severide was a law to himself and always would be. But he sincerely hoped that he treated Kidd with the respect she deserved.

"Did you send the parcels?" Halstead asked, but his tone suggested his question was rhetorical.

"Of course not."

"Thought not." Halstead responded, dismissing Severide's offer to be investigated.

"What about Tyler? " Severide addressed Stella.

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