Rigby and Peller

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They barely made it into her apartment without having torn each others clothes off. Kelly had had to restrain himself in the cab, but as soon as the car had driven away, he had pulled her back to him. This wanting her had been eating away at him ever since he had seen her in Tony's bar. And maybe if she had responded with a little less fervour the moment he had first kissed her, then perhaps he could have dampened down this hunger. But right now, her hands were unfastening the button fly on his jeans, as desparate to get closer to naked flesh as he was. He pulled her sweater off over her head, his fingers immediately reaching to unclasp her bra. Her moan when his hands covered her breasts was almost feral, pushing herself closer into him, the sound turning him on even more than he already was if that were possible. And then her hand was inside his jeans, and he all but slammed her against the wall. Fuck! His blood felt like it was on fire, and if they didn't slow down, he was not going to be able to hold on. Lifting her up, he carried her to the bed at one end of the room, her legs automatically hooking around his waist. They pulled at each others remaining clothing, without breaking away and tussled in the bed, each seeking some kind of control but losing.
Clasping her hands in his above her head, he held her eyes, seeing his own hunger mirrored there, and finally slid into her, groaning at the intensity of feeling as he felt her close around him.

The word sex didn't begin to describe what happened in the bed. It was fast, it was heavy and it was explosive. They both matched each others body's demands and then asked for more. It was carnal, but somewhere in the recesses of their minds, this attraction seemed to be a little more than that.

Stella lay on top of him, the sound of their laboured breathing the only thing breaking the early hours quiet. A dewy sheen bathed her skin. She slid a finger down his chest, stunned by the rawness of what had just happened. After all of her steadfast avowals of staying away from him, she had literally given in as soon as he had kissed her. She couldn't remember ever having totally disintegrated under someone's touch like she just had with him. Beneath her ear, she could hear the drumming of his heart. His hand was gently stroking her back. Stella released a softly sated sigh and closed her eyes.

It was mid-morning when she awoke again. She was lying face down on her pillow one hand behind her, and fingers curled into a muscled thigh. Turning her head over, she found herself staring into Kelly's blue eyes heavy from sleep. He gave her that lazy smile that she had already learnt to recognise.

"Hey.." It was all she could think of to say.

"Hey." He reached for her hand and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist.

"What time is it? " She yawned.

Kelly glanced at his watch. "1040."

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asked in a croaky voice.

He said nothing for a moment as if considering. Then..

"Yeah....I do."

Before she could respond, he caught her by surprise, his hand grabbing her ass and pulling her naked body against his.


"Stella. Parcel for you."
Kylie Estevez Chief Boden's pretty administrative assistant handed her a package.

Stella had been inspecting the hose on the apparatus floor. Intrigued, she took the package from Kylie. What was this? She wasn't expecting anything and certainly not at the firehouse.

"What you got there, Kidd?"
Ritter came and stood next to her with Thursday the dalmation as his shadow.

Stella shrugged in response.
"No idea... but I guess I'm gonna find out."
The package was wrapped in brown paper and plenty of tape. Ripping the paper away and inside was a black cardboard box with gold embossed writing on the lid. It suggested it was expensive.

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