You scared me..

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Authors notes: This chapter has some fire search and rescue content..please forgive any factual inaccuracies due to my limited knowledge!


Wishing for the trial date to be anounced turned out to be not as big a relief as Stella hoped because when the news came it totally threw her. After taking the call from Hailey she stood with sweaty hands gripping the side of the basin in the 51 bathroom staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was pale, her brown eyes dark orbs staring back at her in trepidation of revisiting those harrowing days.

Four weeks time and she would be face to face with the person who had hated her so much that he had wanted to end her life. Breathing hard she gripped the sink harder. She could do this she told herself. She had to! Behind her the door opened and Brett came in, her pretty face creased with concern.

"Hey, honey. Are you o.k? " placing a gentle hand on her arm she came to stand next to her.

Stella met Brett's eyes in the mirror.

"I'd like to say yes...but I kinda think no."

Brett put her arms around her in sympathy, resting her blond head against Stella's shoulder.

"I cannot begin to imagine what you're feeling right now....but you know you have all of 51 with you. night and day.. 24/7. "

Stella turned around to give her friend a grateful hug. Brett and Foster's support remained unwavering.

"Have you told Severide yet? Someone will need to keep him in check from launching himself at Starmer." Brett winced knowing how hot tempered he was and this was something when he was definitely going to struggle to keep himself in control.

"No, not yet. he's elbow deep in paperwork so I though I'll tell him later."

Truth was she hadn't told him yet because Kelly would worry for her and try and shield her in which ever way he could and this wasn't something he could protect her from. Starmer's defence lawyer would interrogate her and no doubt put her past under a microscope for the whole world to hear and dissect. But it wasn't the whole world that she was concerned about. It was what her 51 family and the rest of the CFD would think.

Later that afternoon returning from a suspected gas leak at a west side housing project Severide closed in on Stella as she poured herself one of her numerous daily cups of coffee. He approached her with a tender smile. He swore that she existed soley on caffeine most days!

"How many cups is that today?"

Stella jumped back a little, taken by surprise and Kelly put his hands around her waist to steady her. She had been a million miles away.

"You o.k.?" Concerned blue eyes examined her face.

"Hailey called about the trial date. December 4th."

"Four weeks, Monday?" Kelly kept his hands on her waist, searching her face for signs of distress, even his own composure unsettled.

"Its not long." She agreed unnecessarily, taking a sip of coffee.

"How do you feel?"

"A bit apprehensive about seeing him." She replied honestly.

"With every reason." Taking her hand, he pulled her closer to him. "I'll be there every second, you know that."

The bells ringing halted her response but she gave him a grateful smile, her hand caressing his face.

"Truck 81, Truck 51, Squad 3, Ambo 61. Motel fire, South Ashland Avenue, and West 18th Street. "

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