The date

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The next day we arrived to school

Mika POV: We arrived to school early. I saw Bose walk up to Heather with a smile on his face. I was jealous as Miles said but I couldn't tell him that nor Chapa. I went closer to them and I heard Bose ask her if they could go to Hip Hop Puree and hang out and she said yes. When Bose steeped away Chapa, Miles and I went up to Bose.

I though we were all going to Hip Hop Puree together today Bose said Mika

Yea, I thought we were and why are you asking Bethany out asked Chapa 

Her name is Bethany not Heather, I mean Heather not Bethany said Bose 

Don't Care said Chapa

Whatever lets just get this day over with so I can wear my yoga pants and do yoga said Miles 

Miles who cares said Chapa 

I care said Miles 

Honey are you sure you wanna ask her out already. You just met her said Mika

Yes I am sure, I think, maybe said Bose

Bose POV: I though about what Mika said do I really want to go out with her, I just met her but it feels like I knew Bethany for so long. She is sweet and kind. Oh wait is her name Bethany or heather I don't remember. We head to class the four of us sat together but then I saw Bethany come and sit beside me in class.

Miles POV: I saw Bethany come up to sit next to Bose and Mika was on the other side next to Bose looking straight at Bethany.

Hi Bethany said Bose

My name isn't Bethany its Heather said Heather

Your name is Heather Bethany asked Bose

No honey, her name is Heather instead of Bethany said Mika

Oh ok Hi Be- Heather said Bose 

It was the end of school they went to Hip Hop Puree and Mika followed them 

Mika sat and watched them she didn't know what they were saying because she was reading her Bad Lip Reading Book in her hand and watching them. 

Heather was moving closer to Bose as if she was going to kiss him.

Mika couldn't let that happen, she quickly got up and called to Bose to prevent them from kissing.

Bose POV: Heather and I went to Hip Hop Puree. I saw her coming closer to me, maybe something was on my face and she was taking it off. I felt my face nothing was there. Then I saw Mika come to us at the table.

Hey guys said Mika 

What are you doing here Mika said Heather

Um- just getting a Puree I was surprised to see you guys here so I came to say Hello said Mika

Ok you said hello you can leave now said Heather

Join us Bose said while taking a chair and placing it beside him with a smile

Ok sure why not said Mika 

Mika POV: If stares could kill I would be dead. She was looking straight at me not even blinking so I did the same. She was looking straight at me with a angry look

You guys are having a staring contest, cool said Bose

Can you walk me home Bose asked Heather 

Oh, I was going walk Mika home sorry said Bose

Heather looked straight at me and said ok Bose

When we were heading out she grabbed my arm and pulled me to a corner 

How dare you interrupt me and my boyfriend said Heather 

He is not your boyfriend Heather, he literally just met you said Mika while pulling back her arm

Bose and Mika were walking to Mika's house

Hey Bose are you sure you like this girl hun, she seems to give me a bad vibe said Mika

Yea I like her Mika but I would want to get to know her a little more said Bose

Ok just be careful said Mika 

They arrived at Mika's house

Bye Hun thanks for walking me home see you tomorrow said Mika

Bye Mika see you tomorrow said Bose 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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