The First Day

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After Ray and Chapa broke Schwoz science experiment they were forced to go to Swellview Junior High School.

Mika POV: It was our first day at regular school. Ray handed Bose a 'lunch sack' which was filled with ketchup packets and a loaf of bread. I kind of liked the new school because we could meet new people and we could actually learn something. Instead of Ray telling us how to hurt a bad guy feelings, we had a chance to learn. I smiled as I stepped  in the new school thinking we could meet new friends, interact and learn 

Chapa POV: I hated the new school as I steeped in but Mika was smiling, why was she smiling this is going to be the worst day of my life but I wasn't that angry because I found my phone recently.

Ok guys we have the same classes so lets go and learn and remember don't use your super powers said Mika looking at Chapa

Why do we have to be here can't Miles just teleport us back to SWAG said Chapa

Remember who made the school infested with fire-termite-hornets said Miles

Chapa just rolled her eyes 

Bose POV:

We walked to class and sat down, I sat next to Mika and Miles sat next to Chapa. 30 minutes into the class which was really boring, I saw a girl. She had brown hair like mine and blue eyes. For the rest of the session I stared at her, but then I saw Mika's hands waving in front of my face

Mika POV: The session was really fun and interesting. I saw Bose staring at someone, A girl. I was calling his name but he didn't respond or even move his head so I waved my hand in front of his face. He turned and looked at me.

Why were you looking at that girl like that Bose, Mika asked

He then said that he was looking at the pen she was writing with.

Mika raised one of her eye brows and said really.

That was a stupid excuse Bose said Chapa

When it was finally lunch time they went to the lunch area and sat down at a table.

Bose got up off the chair and walked towards the girl he was starring at and told her she could sit with them.

Chapa looked at the girl from head to toe and asked Miles who is that girl as Bose and the girl where walking towards the table. She sat in between Bose and Mika and said that her name was Heather.

What a pretty name said Bose smiling while Mika rolled her eyes 

For the rest of the lunch period Bose and Heather sat and talked as if they were the only two sitting at the table. Miles, Chapa and Mika were starring at them. The bell rang and the three got up heading to class 

Chapa grabbed his arm and told him to come to class

Bose got up and waved to heather and said goodbye

When school was over Mika, Miles and Chapa went to Hip Hop Puree.

Did you guys see how Bose was looking at Heather said Mika

You are just jealous cause you are in love with Bose said Miles

I am not in love with Bose stop saying that said Mika

When Glerp was at the Man's Nest you went and spayed on them you are definitely in love with Bose said Miles. 

I was just looking if he was ok said Mika

Yea I think he likes her, why would he invite her to sit with us if he didn't like her said Chapa

We just started school and he likes someone already said Mika

Really Mika weren't you staring at a guy in third period said Miles 

Mika rolled her eyes

They saw Ray come in with a group of Moms laughing

Why is Ray here with these Moms said Chapa

  Hi this is my first story so if it has spelling errors or bad grammar sorry. I hope you enjoyed the

 story leave a comment if you like it or tell me how I can improve

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