Mika is awake

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Bose: For the best?! Are you serious! We don't know when she will be waking up. They were hurting her....And you are telling me it is for the best?!

Celia: Calm down Bose,We can discuss this at home not infront of the public eyes.

Bose: Calm down? You think I came here to talk? I came here to finish this asshole off!

Vice mayor: Watch your use of words boy.

Celia: Mika has become such a bad influence on you Bose. Trust me it is for the best.

Bose started to loose control of his powers and everything around him started to levitate. His eyes changed to a dark blue. Desks, Chairs and other tools were send into the air. Bose used his superpowers to place other people away from him. In order to keep his secret identity and for their safety.

Bose: Remember who I am and what powers I have. I can cause harm to you at any time. If you ever touch Mika or any of My friends I will not hesitate...


Vice Mayor:....

Bose eyes changed back and the tools that were levitated fell to the ground.

He walked away without looking at them. He went back to the Man's Nest to see if Mika was ok.

Bose: Is she still sleeping?

Chapa: Yes

Miles was sitting down looking from a distance not blinking.

Are you Ok Miles? asked Chapa. Chapa was not the type to care about how others are feeling or what was going on in there head. She felt sorry for what happened and also sorry for Miles. Miles didn't reply he was just staring. He then turned and started to stare at Bose with immense hate in his eyes. 

Miles: This is all your fault 

Bose: How is this my fault?

You were the one who was in a relationship with two crazy ass girls who wanted to hurt my sister. Yes This is your Fault!  Your dumb ass self caused all of this said Miles. Then he teleported from the Man's Nest.

Chapa: Miles Swearing? He must be really pissed.

Bose walked into the room where Mika was in. He got on the bed and hugged her and continued to stare at her. He fell asleep beside her.

hours later at 4am 

Bose...Bose said a weak voice 

Bose slowly opened his eyes and saw Mika staring at him and calling his name. 

Mika your awake! said Bose while hugging her

Mika: What happened 

Bose: You don't remember?

Mika: No.. My vision is very blurry and I feel..I feel 

Bose: How do you feel?

Mika: Like my powers were drained.

Bose: They were but Schowz said you will get them back. You will be ok Mika

Mika: Where is Miles?

Bose: He went home. How are you feeling?

Mika: I feel.. powerless and weak. Why do I have bruises Bose?

Bose:... I don't know... Mika

Mika: Can you please tell me what happened.

Bose: You need to rest Mika, Tomorrow I will tell you. I don't know what fully happened I thought you would remember.

Mika: What happened to my powers Bose?
Mika tried to use her powers but she was only getting weaker by doing so.

Bose: Mika, Stop you will only get worse.

She lay on the bed and turned away from Bose.

Bose: Mika?


Bose: Its gonna be okay Mika, We will figure out how to get your powers and your strength together.

Mika turned around and smile at Bose

In the morning

Bose POV: I saw Mika wake up and stayed in the same position for a couple of minutes with her eyes wide open. I asked her if she was okay but she didn't respond so I started shaking her.

Bose: Mika! MIKA!

Mika POV: I felt cold and weak then suddenly I woke up and had some kind of vision. It was Bose's step father hitting me with some kind of metal.

Mika let out a deep gasp and started coughing.

 Are you ok? said Bose while getting closer to her

 Why was your step father hurting me? said Mika moving away from Bose

Bose: They wanted you out of my life so they tried to ...get rid of you some how.

Mika? G...get rid as in?

Bose: They were going to...

Mika: Going to what Bose!

Bose: Sell you to someone or worse


Bose: I am sorry this is my fault, They don't want us to be together.

Bose moved closer to Mika but she got up off the bed even in her weak state.

Bose: Where are you going my dear, you are still sick.

Mika: I'm not your dear Bose, I can't be with you... your parents were trying to kill me Bose. I can't do this right now I want to know if Miles and my parents are okay.

Bose: I would never let them hurt you again

Mika: I...I don't know that Bose...If he is capable of hurting me he can also hurt my family honey.. I mean Bose.

Bose: Just trust me 

Mika: How do I know that your not planning to get rid of me too?

Bose: I would never hurt you Mika

Mika: Suppose the three of you have this scheme to get rid of me. How can I trust you?

Bose: How can you ask that Mika. You know I would never hurt you. You should never have such foolish thoughts.

Mika: Foolish? 

Bose: Yes, You know that I would never hurt you, honey

Bose moved closer to Mika but she stepped behind without looking where she was going. She felt herself coming closer to the wall and Bose placed his hand on her face and moved in for a kiss.

I can't said Mika while limping away

A few minutes later

Miles and Chapa came to see Mika

MIKAA! screamed Miles 

He rushed and hugged her. He was very happy to see her. Then Chapa came and walked up to Mika and hugged her. Mika's eyes were wide open in shock.

Chapa: I missed you Mika

Mika: I missed all of you guys 

Miles: What happened?

Mika: I don't have a full memory of what happened. I only remember a piece of information.

Chapa: What do you remember?

Mika:... I remember the vice mayor hitting me with something..... Thats it

Chapa: Are you fucking serious

Miles: Hitting you?

Chapa: Let's light this asshole up

Bose: I already warned them, They shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Mika: Do you think all it takes is a warning to make someone stop.

Bose: Yes, trust me

Mika: I don't trust you.

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