Ray is awake

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Angela: You two are unbelievable, I punish you and ground you and still. What is wrong with you two?!

Alejandra: We are leaving right now.

Chapa: No, I'm not leaving, say what you have to say.

Alejandra: This is one of the many..many..many reasons your sister is my favourite. You are a mother's worst nightmare Chapa! I can't take your bad behaviour anymore, I'm tired of this foolishness.

Chapa: Wow

Alejandra: Chapa, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean that.

Chapa walked away

Miles followed her.

Miles: Chapa?

Chapa: What

Miles: Are you okay?

Chapa: Why wouldn't I be okay?

Miles: Your mom just said some pretty harsh things.

Chapa: I'm fine, plus why does she need me to be perfect? She has sage, her favourite of course. It's not like I care.

Miles: you do care

Chapa: I don't care about anything or anyone. I just live with those people. I do love sage, but I just live with those other people because I have no choice.

Miles: Are you gonna cry?

Chapa: What..Why would I cry over foolishness?

Miles: I don't know

Chapa: Is It because you think...

Angela: Control your son... you gold digger!

Chapa and Miles walked back inside and saw Celia and Angela arguing.

Celia: I'm not a gold digger, I just married him for his money.

Angela: That's a gold digger you idiot.

Mika: Mom! Stop

Celia: I don't even know what Bose saw in this simple black girl. She isn't even as pretty as Olivia or the next girl you will be with. Why would you want your kids hair being like that?

Angela: Did I just hear what you said gold digger! How dare you talk about my daughter like that bitch.

Miles: Mom, Let's just go home

Mika looked over to Bose and then looked down.

Bose: Why would you say that Mom? What is wrong with you? Do you want me to be with a white girl with blond hair, blue eyes and an awful personality. No, I want to be with one of the most beautiful, kind, caring and intelligent girl I have ever known. There is nothing wrong with her hair. Our future children would be beautiful.

Mika: Future Children?

Angela: Future children? There is no way Mika is going to marry into that awful family. Having that dumb blonde has a mother-in-law.

Celia: Excuse me, How dare you speak about me like that.

Can all of you please exit right now! You are making too much noise and disturbing the customers. Get Out!

They walked outside because a employee kicked them out.

Chapa: Mother, I won't be staying at your house tonight.

Alejandra: I'm sorry about what I said Chapa. I was just tired of your behaviour.

Chapa: I don't care about that

Celia: Bose, I invited another wonderful girl for you to meet. She has green eyes and blond straight hair. You will love her.

Bose: Do I have a choice?

Celia: No, You can't runaway from your future again Bose.

Whatever said Bose as he and Celia walked to a car.

Alejandra: Chapa, Are you sure you don't want to come home?

I'm sure said Chapa as she walked away into the dark.

Chapa? said Alejandra as she tried to follow her.

Miles: Should we go look for her?

Angela: No, we are going home. You guys are gonna learn to stay put.

They went home and Herman and Angela took away their devices.

Chapa went to the Man's Nest and saw that no one was their. Ray was still in some kind of loop.

Chapa: Where the hell is Schowz?

15 minutes later Chapa was just shocking some random objects

Ray: Chapa?

Ray, your back said Chapa hugging him.

Ray: You hug people now? Are you planning on shocking me or something.

Chapa: can't I be happy to see Captain Man?

Ray: You are happy? Why? Did someone die?

Chapa: You just came out of a time loop

Ray: What loop? Where is Schowz?

Chapa: No one else is here.

Ray: Why are you here alone?

Chapa: No reason

Ray: How long was I in a loop for?

Chapa: Quite a while, Schowz said 1 week but that was a month ago.

Ray: One whole month without a sight of a hot mom.

Chapa: Seriously

At Bose's House

Celia: Bose meet Aria, you guys can talk while I go do something.

Aria had green eyes, blond hair. She had a curvy figure and a soft voice. She had on a tight dress that showed her figure. Her dress was very revealing.

Aria: Nice to meet you Bose, My name is Aria.

Aria stared at Bose for 5 minutes but Bose said nothing.

Bose looked at her from head to toe

Bose: Can I ask a question?

Aria: Of course dear

Bose: Why does your dress look so tight and why are you wearing something so revealing?

Aria: What do you mean Bose, What am I revealing?

Bose: Your body

Aria: Don't be silly Bose. There is nothing wrong with my clothes.

Bose looked at her again

Aria: Are you checking me out Mr O'brien?

Bose: Of course not I'm just wondering how someone can go out looking like this.

Aria: Looking like what?

Bose: Nothing

Aria: Do you like what you see?

Bose: What do you mean?

Aria: Do you like what you see said Aria while touching her chest.

Bose looked away from Aria and took a deep breath.

Bose: I think It's way past my bedtime and I need to sleep so goodnight.

Aria: It's only 9:30pm Bosey

Bose: Wow that late, anyways goodnight.

Aria: I'm sleeping at your house tonight Bose. Please show me to the room.

Bose showed her the bedroom and was heading towards his room but she held his hand.

Bose: What?

Aria: You would look nice shirtless

Bose walked back to his room and ignored Aria.

Bose went to his room and started to think. This girl is going to be a pain and a problem.

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