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Mika POV: After he left I felt...I felt like I wanted to cry even more. That was My first kiss. I climbed back up and took my soaking wet clothes off and changed into something else. I couldn't sleep all I was thinking about is what he said to me. Maybe I could wake up early and meet him again before he leaves.

Mika was on 'lock down' because she went to see Bose

Herman: I never thought I would be so disappointed in you Mika

Herman: you have to be more responsible you can't just go around doing that with boys Mika.

Mika: I told you I didn't do anything with Bose why can't you believe me.

Angela: Because you have become a liar Mika.

Angela: This boy is causing you to lag academically your report card is A- instead of A+. I am very disappointed in you.

Mika: I am so sick and tired of being perfect Mika. I push my feeling and wants aside for other people. I work very very hard to do well in school. Do you know how many nights I stayed up crying and studying. Whenever I feel angry or sad or happy I call Bose. He would always come over when I needed him to and whether or not you like him doesn't concern me. I am 17 years old almost 18 and I still can't have a boyfriend. 

Mika walked out the door 

Herman: Come back here Mika!

Mika texted Bose

Where are you?

Bose: I am at the park

Mika: Ok

Mika: I am coming now

Mika left and headed to the park 

Mika: Hi Bose said Mika hugging Bose

Bose: Mika, said Bose with a smile

They sat on a bench and started talking

Bose: I left in the morning before they were awake my mom must be looking for me.

Mika: What did she say to you when you went home last night.

Bose: She told me a lot of bad things about how you are not good enough for me or how Olivia is better.

Mika: Oh Ok said Mika with a sad face

Bose: I am sorry I shouldn't have told you

Mika: I mean it is true look at her.

Bose: You know that's not true Mika 

Mika: It is you choose Heather over me and Olivia so I guess you think that it is true too

Bose: I never said that Mika and I am sorry for what I said before

Mika: You were so in love with her, you wanted to break apart from our friend group over a girl, you hated me and said you didn't care for me and now you tell me you care for me and kiss me. 

Bose: Let us just forget about her for a moment and focus on us.  I am really sorry for what I did and said.

Mika: I guess you are right but I would like to know if you are going to leave today.

Bose: No I am going tell her that I will stay here for a few more days, but I don't know where I am going to stay.

Mika: My parents were going to go somewhere for a few days and leave Miles and I alone but since this happened she won't be leaving us alone without a babysitter. I think it is there high school reunion.  

Bose: Maybe you  can find a 'babysitter'

Mika: ....Schwoz can pretend to be our 'babysitter'

Bose: Great idea he has lots of costumes 

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