Secrets Out Part 3

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Mika, why the hell is he in your bed!

I jumped out of my sleep and saw Bose just waking up and I saw my mom was very upset. Soon after my dad came in

Herman ( Mika's Dad): What the hell is going on here!

Bose: I....we....

Mika: We were um...... having a sleepover 

Celia: Bose, I never expected this from you

Herman: Get the hell out now boy!

Mika:Let's just go downstairs and I will explain everything 

They went downstairs and Mika was trying to come up with an excuse 

Mika: I know It looks bad but It isn't as bad

Angela: What is not bad?! 

Herman: The fact that you snuck a boy in, Is not bad?!

Celia: Bose how dare you disobey me, for this, this girl

Bose:What do you mean 'this girl' 

Bose: She is my best friend, If you send me to another town I will find her. If you send me to another country, I will still find her because she means the world to me. 

Mika: do you really mean that Bose 

Bose: Yes I do 

Herman: Enough of this. There is the front door, Leave.

Celia: I am sure Bose doesn't care about your daughter that much once he sees 'Olivia'

 Mika: Who is Olivia 

Celia: Let's go Bose

When they left,Angela had to go wake up Miles

Angela: Where is Miles, Let me go check up in his room 

Herman: And you Mika Macklin will be grounded 

Mika: But.....

Herman: No but

Angela: Miles? 

Angela: Mika Where is Miles?! 

Mika: I don't know 

Herman: He isn't in his room?

Angela: No, he isn't 

Herman  and Angela waited for Miles for over an hour then they decided to look for him 

Chapa and Miles were at the movie theatre, At first the were looking for Ray and Schowz at the Man's Nest but couldn't find them so they decided to watch a horror movie.

Chapa: This movie will be.....

Miles: Scary? I know you can hold my hand if you get scared

Chapa: How about I just shock the life out of you, that sounds better to me

Miles: No, let's just watch the movies said Miles while regretting what he said 

Chapa: Ok

20 minutes into the movie Miles was screaming and holding onto chapa.Chapa was getting annoyed at him and telling him he is a cry baby.

Miles:That movie wasn't so bad right? 

Chapa: You can let go of my arm now 

Miles: Oh yea, sorry 

Chapa: Ok so we need to find Ray and Shrowz 

Miles: Mika texted me, My parents were looking for me and they just came back home

Chapa: Someone's in big trouble 

Miles: BIG trouble, I am going to teleport you home 

Miles teleported Chapa home and then he returned home 

He was grounded and so was Mika but all he could think about was Where was Ray and Schowz? They should have been at the Man's Nest. 

Mika was thinking about Bose and the fact that they were going to go to different schools 

Bose was thinking about Mika, and who is 'Olivia'?

Chapa was thinking about if she could ever fight crime like they use to 


2 weeks later

Chapa,Miles and Mika were going to Swellview High but Bose was going to Private School outside of Swellview. They missed Bose, especially Mika. 

Bose Pov: I argued with my mother about going to a new school but she didn't care. I missed my friends expecially Mika. But I found a new friend. Her name is 'Olivia' She is so nice she reminds me of Mika in a way. I haven't seen mika in 2 weeks and I didn't text her. I should asked her if she is Ok

 Bose:Hi Mika 🖐👋🖐

Mika:Hello Honey 🍯🙂

Bose:How is Swellview High?

Mika: Fine ig, How about you making any friends?

Bose: Oh yes, she is very nice and sweet 

Mika: She? 

Bose: Yes she reminds me of you 

Bose: gtg I am having dinner with her 

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