Feeling's gone

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At Mika's house 

Mika: Can you believe this he is hanging out with a girl said Mika while walking back and forth

Chapa: So?

Miles: She is jealous 

Chapa: They could just be friends 

Mika: I am not jealous, I...I am just concerned 

Miles: about what the fact that we haven't seen Ray and Schowz for 2 weeks now

Chapa: Oh right I forgot about them 

Mika: Ray is just fine. I am talking about the fact that we haven't seen Bose in 2 weeks and this new friend.

Chapa: We could go to Hip Hop Puree and meet him there tomorrow. 

Mika: Yes just us friends and not that girl

Miles: Mika you are too obsessed with Bose. I am surprised you guys aren't together yet.

Chapa: I am surprised too

Miles: Thankfully you guys aren't, that would be weird seeing you guys.

Mika: Whattt we are just friends 

Chapa: Miles teleport me home

Mika: Bye

Chapa: Bye Mrs O'brien said Chapa with a smirk 

Mika: CHAPA 

The next day.......

Mika's POV: I invited Bose to Hip Hop Puree so the four of us could hang out. Since it was the weekend he could come back home. As we entered Hip Hop Puree I say Bose and a girl sitting at a table. She had blonde straight hair and brown eyes, she was beautiful and look at her figure.

Miles: Oh wow she is gorgeous 

Chapa: Miles, really?

Miles: Yea she is

Chapa: She is the girl you have been talking about Mika 

Miles: Let's go, we have been standing here staring like weirdos 

Mika: That's just you Miles 

Mika: Hi Bose 

Chapa: Hi bose, what's up 

Miles: Hey

Bose: Hey guys, I am OK

Olivia: Hello friends

Chapa: And you are? 

Olivia: My name is Olivia 

Miles: Ok, Nice to meet you Olivia. My name is Miles said Miles while smiling 

Olivia: Nice to meet you too

Chapa: Since when are you so happy to introduce yourself said Chapa while rolling her eyes 

Mika: My name is Mika

Olivia: Nice to meet you 

Mika: too bad I can't say the same

Olivia rolled her eyes and looked over to Chapa

Olivia: And you are 

Chapa: ........

Olivia: your name is?

Miles: Don't be rude Chapa answer her 

Chapa: fine, My name is Chapa, Oliver 

Olivia: My name is not Oliver 

Chapa: I don't care 

Bose: She is Olivia my new best friend 

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