Secrets Out Part 2?

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Un tie us right now demanded Their parents

Mika Pov: Bose likes me, more than friends? .......... why am I even thinking about this right now. The memory wiper stopped zapping and our parents demanded us to un tie them.

You are going to Swellview High Mika and Miles I cannot believe you two said Angela 

Chapa you are out of danger force let's go said Alejandra 

 But.... said Chapa 

Bose let's go right now said Celia 

I don't want to leave said the four members of danger force 

You, bose boy stay away from my daughter said Angela 

Mom he is my friend said Mika 

What did you do bose asked Celia 

I didn't do anything said bose 

You were making out with my daughter in her room! said Angela 

Wow mika I didn't know you guys were that...... deep in a relationship said Chapa

Ewww, Bose that's my sister said Miles 

Everyone in the room looked at Bose and Mika 

My bosey would never said Celia 

Mom this is a misunderstanding we didn't........ said Mika 

Don't lie to me mika, you are out of SWAG, and you will be going to Swellview High 

Bose, you will be going to private or boarding  School said Celia 

What shouted Mika activating her powers 

You can't send him to boarding school said Chapa 

He is our friend said Miles

Miles and Mika let's go said Angela 

Chapa we should go home and figure out what to do with your powers said Alejandra 

Bose let us leave said Celia 

They all left when Chapa went home her mother was trying to figure out what to do about her powers. Bose mother was telling him that he should not see Mika even though they actually didn't even kiss they still think they did. Mika and Miles were grounded, even though she tried to explain. 

Mika: Mom we accidentally got powers, we didn't ask for them 

Angela: You two keep secrets from us, your dad and I are very disappointed 

Miles: We literally save Swellview with Captain Man that is totally cool Mom

Angela: I don't care go to your rooms right now 

Mika walked to her room and shut the door all she could think about was Bose so she called him but he didn't answer. A few minutes later Bose was there knocking on her window. She went and opened the window.

Bose quickly hugged her

Bose: Hey let's go for a walk 

Mika: No, my mother grounded me 

Bose: please just come

Mika: Ok fine 

They climbed down and began to walk 

Mika: So

Bose:  I am going to private school next week 

Mika: Oh 

Bose: My mom is making me go, Maybe I won't see you for a while since she says the school isn't in Swellview 

Mika: Why can't you just go back to Swellview High 

Bose: I wish I could

Bose stopped and pulled Mika towards him. He placed his hand on her face and moved closer to kiss her.

Mika pushed him away 

Bose: I am sorry

Mika: No, I am sorry. Do you like me Bose 

Bose: I do like,like you alot Mika 

Mika Oh bunny, we can't be together. This will only make the situation worse right now.

Bose: Oh..... 

He walked her back home

Bose: Can I stay here for a little while 

Mika: yea sure, come sit on the bed 

They watched a movie marathon and feel asleep

The next morning 

Celia came to Mika's house because she knew Bose would be there.

She arrived at the house and rang the door bell 

Angela: Hello, what are you doing here 

Celia: I think Bose is with your daughter 

Angela: No my daughter is sleeping 

Celia: are you sure about that 

Angela and Celia went upstairs opened Mika's bedroom door and saw Mika and Bose. Mika's head was on Bose's chest and Bose's arms were around Mika

Angela: What the Hell!

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